
Extension for Neorg GTD that uses Things3 instead

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Neorg GTD with Things3


This is an extension of Neorg module neorg.gtd.base that uses your Things3 application to display your tasks in neovim !


Today's tasks Capture d’écran 2022-01-06 à 10 40 35
Capture d’écran 2022-01-06 à 10 40 20
Projects Capture d’écran 2022-01-06 à 10 42 15

And much more ...


Prerequisite: you need things-cli to be installed.

-- packer installation
use {'danymat/neorg-gtd-things'}

-- neorg configuration
require('neorg').setup {
  load = {
    ["external.integrations.neorg-gtd-things"] = {
        config = { -- Mandatory
            things_db_path = "/Users/danielmathiot/Library/Group Containers/JLMPQHK86H.com.culturedcode.ThingsMac.beta/Things Database.thingsdatabase/main.sqlite", -- To find the correct location, go to FAQ
            waiting_for_tag = "En attente" -- The Things3 tag you use for waiting fors


  • Fully integrate with Neorg gtd views
    • Display tasks and projects
    • <Tab> toggle functionnality
    • Press <CR> to open the task in Things3
    • Press e to edit the task (currently disabled)
  • Fully integrate with Neorg gtd edit (currently disabled)
  • Fully integrate with Neorg gtd capture


  • How can i find my things_db_path ?

It is located inside your user's Library. I recommend you try out this command:

find /Users/your_name/Library -name main.sqlite 2>/dev/null | grep -v Backups

This command will find all main.sqlite files inside your library, and remove all results with Backups inside, as we want the original database