
My custom NeoVim setup

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

NeoVim setup

This is a setup for Neovim>=0.6. Current structure (might be a bit outdated):

after/                  # Everything that will be sourced last (`:h after-directory`)
│ ftplugin/             # Configurations for filetypes
└ queries/              # Queries for treesitter
lua/                    # Lua code used in configuration
├ ec/                   # Custom 'plugin namespace'
│ │ configs/            # Configurations for plugins
│ │ functions.lua       # Custom functions
│ │ mappings-leader.lua # Mappings for `<Leader>` key
│ │ mappings.lua        # Mappings
│ │ packadd.lua         # Code for initializing plugins
│ │ settings.lua        # General settings
│ └ vscode.lua          # VS Code related configuration
└ mini-dev/             # Development code for 'mini.nvim'
misc/                   # Everything not directly related to Neovim startup
│ dict/                 # Dictionary files
│ mini_vimscript/       # Vimscript (re)implementation of some 'mini' modules
│ scripts/              # Scripts for miscellaneous usage
│ sessions/             # Placeholder for local use of Neovim sessions (content ignored)
│ snippets/             # Snippets for snippets engine
└ undodir/              # Placeholder for local use of persistent undo (content ignored)
pack/                   # Directory for plugins/submodules managed with native package manager
└ plugins/              # Name of the plugin bundle
  └ opt/                # Use all plugin as optional (requires manual `packadd`)
spell/                  # Files for spelling

NOTE: Currently this configuration defers sourcing of most time consuming commands (mostly plugins). This is done by using vim.defer_fn(f, 0) which defers execution of f until Vim is loaded. This doesn't affect general usability: it decreases time before showing fully functional start screen (or asked file) from ~240ms to ~105ms (on a not so quick i3-6100).


Basically, this should (after installing system dependencies) work just by cloning this repository and fetching its plugin submodules:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/echasnovski/nvim.git

# Download all plugin submodules with latest commit
# `--recursive` ensures that submodules of plugins are also downloaded
git submodule update --init --depth 1 --recursive


Update all plugins

Get the latest updates from submodules' remotes:

git submodule update --remote --init --depth 1 --recursive

Add new plugin

  1. Download new plugin as a normal submodule. NOTEs:

    • Current naming convention is to strip any "extension-like" substring from end of plugin name (usually it is '.nvim', '.lua', '.vim').
    • Plugins should be added to package directory 'pack/plugins' in one of 'start' or 'opt'. Prefer 'opt' in order to be able to lazy load.

    For example, 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzy-native.nvim' (as it has its submodule) to 'opt' directory:

    # Add submodule which will track branch <branch-to-track> (replace
    # manually with what you want; usually 'main' or 'master').
    # This will download plugin (but not its submodules).
    git submodule add --name telescope-fzy-native -b <branch-to-track> --depth 1 https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-fzy-native.nvim pack/plugins/opt/telescope-fzy-native
    # Ensure that all submodules of plugin are also downloaded
    git submodule update --init --depth 1 --recursive
  2. Ensure that plugin is loaded (added to runtimepath and all needed files are executed) alongside its custom configuration (goes into 'lua/ec/configs'):

    • If plugin is added to 'start', nothing is needed to be done.
    • If plugin is added to 'opt', add packadd() or packadd_defer() call in 'packadd.lua'.

Delete plugin

Delete plugin as a normal submodule. For example, 'telescope-fzy-native.nvim' from 'pack/plugins/opt' directory:


# Unregister submodule (this also empties plugin's directory)
git submodule deinit -f $submodule_name

# Remove the working tree of the submodule
git rm --cached $submodule_name

# Remove relevant section from '.gitmodules'
git config -f .gitmodules --remove-section "submodule.$submodule_name"

# Remove submodule's (which should be empty) directory from file system
rm -r $submodule_name

# Remove associated submodule directory in '.git/modules'.
git_dir=`git rev-parse --git-dir`
rm -rf $git_dir/modules/$submodule_name

# Optionally: add and commit changes
git add .
git commit -m "Remove $submodule_name plugin."

System dependencies

Important system dependencies:

  • (Optional but highly advisable) Separate python3 evnironment (called 'neovim') with necessary packages (variable g:python3_host_prog should point to Python interpreter of this environment):

    • Install pyenv. Source for installation: https://linux-notes.org/ustanovka-pyenv-v-unix-linux/. Note: it probably can be conda or any other environment management tool (with some tweaks to configuration files afterwards).
    • Install recent version of Python.
    • Create 'neovim' environment with pyenv virtualenv [options] neovim.
    • Activate 'neovim' environment with pyenv activate neovim.
    • Install NeoVim python support:
        python -m pip install pynvim
  • Neovim node support (generally taken from https://phoenixnap.com/kb/update-node-js-version), optional but needed for coc.nvim:

    • Install nvm:
        sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall libssl-dev
        curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.35.1/install.sh | bash
    • Close and reopen the terminal. Verify installation with nvm --version.

    • Check which version is currently running (nvm ls) and which are available (nvm ls-remote).

    • Install specific version:

        nvm install [version.number]
    • Switch to installed version with nvm use [version.number].

    • Install neovim package:

        npm i neovim
    • Possibly change node_host_prog (in 'general/settings.vim') and coc_node_path (in 'plugins/coc.nvim') variables with correct path.
    • Possibly change default version of node which is added to $PATH via nvm alias default <version>.
  • Nerd fonts (information source):

    • Download a Nerd Font (good choice is "UbuntuMono Nerd Font").
    • Unzip and copy to '~/.fonts'.
    • Run the command fc-cache -fv to manually rebuild the font cache.
  • Tools for finding stuff:

  • Spelling dictionaries:

    • Create '~/.nvim/spell' directory.
    • Put there English and Russian dictionaries (download from ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime/spell/).
  • Clipboard support. One of 'xsel' (preferred) or 'xclip' (had some minor issues after installing 'vim-exchange').

  • Language Server Protocols. These should be handled manually. For a list of needed LSP providers look at settings for 'nvim-lspconfig'.

  • Pre-commit hooks (not strictly necessary but "good to have"). This repository uses pre-commit hooks to verify integrity of code. Preferred way of setting this up:

    • Install pre-commit. Preferred way is to use pipx with pipx install pre-commit. There also other options.
    • From the root of this repository run pre-commit install. This enables pre-commit checks. Now they will be run before any commit. In case they did something, you need to git add those changes before commiting will become allowed.


  • Important dependency is pynvim Python package. Path to Python executable for which it is installed should be changed in 'settings.lua' as 'g:python3_host_prog' variable.
  • Important dependency is node.js. Path to it should be changed in 'settings.lua' as 'g:node_host_prog' variable. Help for updating its version using npm: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/update-node-js-version.
  • Output of :checkhealth can show that there is a problem with node installation. For some reason, it tries to run node '[path/to/node] --version' instead of correct '[path/to/node]' --version.
  • For tags to work correctly in R projects, add appropriate '.ctags' file. Currently the source can be found at https://tinyheero.github.io/2017/05/13/r-vim-ctags.html.
  • 'Pyright' language server currently by default uses python interpreter that is active when Neovim is opened. However, if using virtual environment, it is a good idea to create 'pyrightconfig.json' file with at least the following content:
        "include": ["<package_name>"], // Directory of package source
        "venvPath": ".", // Path to folder where virtual environment can be found
        "venv": ".venv" // Folder name of virtual environment


Tips and tricks

  • This setup is configured to use buffers instead of tabs. Remember: buffer ~ file (saved or not), window ~ view of a buffer, tab ~ collection of windows. Normally you would have multiple buffers open in a single window which completely emulates "tab behavior" of "normal editor" (currently with 'mini.tabline' only in case of a single tab). Splits create separate windows inside single tab. Usually use tabs to work on "different" projects. Useful keybindings:
    • <Leader>b has set of commands related to buffers. For example, <Leader>bd - close buffer.
    • :q - close window.
    • ]b and [b - go to next and previous buffer (current keybinding).
    • <Leader>fb - list all present buffers with fuzzy searcher (current keybinding).
  • Source for some inspiration: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/726894/what-are-the-dark-corners-of-vim-your-mom-never-told-you-about . Notable examples:
    • Use :.![command] to execute command in terminal and put its output into current buffer. For example: :.!ls -lhR.
  • When testing with 'vim-test', use -strategy=make argument to :Test* commands in order to populate quickfix list. Note that this will not display testing process as it is running and won't open quickfix list by default.