--------------------------------------------------- makefaq Revision: 2.6 Rev Date: 22 Nov 2013 --------------------------------------------------- makefaq is a Python program that creates a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) HTML page or text file from a specially formatted text data file. --------------------------------------------------- - Installation Notes - Upgrade Notes - command-line arguments - configurations - multi-line entries in the data file - internationalization/localization issues - DocBook XML export - files included --------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION NOTES If you are going to create a FAQ and use the sample files provided, **PLEASE** change the files (faqheader.html and faqfooter.html) to provide *YOUR* contact information. Because my (Dan) email address has previously been listed in the sample files, I have been contacted by several people who came across a makefaq-created FAQ somewhere on the Web and could only find my address to which to send e-mail. By the way, you do not *need* to include the line "This list of questions and answers was generated by makefaq..." I included that line purely as a sample. (faqfooter.html) --------------------------------------------------- UPGRADE NOTES If you have been using a previous version of makefaq, please look at the UPGRADING file to see if there are any issues that affect your use of the program. Please note that with version 2.0, there is a MAJOR change to the data file format. Old data files will NOT work with the program unless you use the '-r 1' ("revert") command-line option. --------------------------------------------------- COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS makefaq can be run alone as 'makefaq.py', but it also has the following options: -b footer-file - default is 'faqfooter.html' ('b' for 'bottom') -c config-name - use configuration -h - display help -i input-file - default is 'faq.dat' -j - insert "Return to top of page" links -l - list all configurations -L locale - reads LANG environment variable or defaults to 'en_US' -n - "do nothing" - check config but skip file processing -N - suppress numbering of questions and categories -o output-file - default is 'faq.html' -r 1 - revert to old, single-line data file format -s - sort categories in alphabetical order -t header-file - default is 'faqheader.html' ('t' for 'top') -v - display config settings Note that if the '-r 1' is used to revert to the old file format, the following option may be used to change the delimiter: -d delimiter - default is the pipe character ('|') It has no effect if the '-r 1' option is not used. The "1" is necessary because a future version of the program may use a pure XML format, at which point the pseudo-XML currently used will be available by using "-r 2". Without any command-line options, makefaq reads in the data from 'faq.dat' and writes the output to 'faq.html', using 'faqheader.html' and 'faqfooter.html' for a header and footer. --------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURATIONS makefaq.py includes five configurations in the code: default - standard files, writes to faq.html text - standard files, writes to faq.txt screen - standard files, writes to screen DocBookXML - uses header of 'faqheader.xml', footer of 'faqfooter.xml' and writes to 'faq-output.xml' BEAST - uses header of 'html.1.faq', footer of 'html.2.faq', and writes to 'faq.html' This last config is one Dave uses for http://beast.gtk.org/ and is provided as an example of how you might set up your own configuration. --------------------------------------------------- MULTI-LINE ENTRIES As of version 2.0, there was a new format for the data file. Instead of entries being required to be on a single line separated by the pipe ('|') symbol, the file now uses and XML-ish format with the fields separated by tags in angle brackets. For example: <c>General <q>When will the snow melt in Ottawa? <a>I have <i>no</i> idea! Note that as in the previous file format, HTML can be used in either the question or answer field. The program simply looks for instances of <c>, <q> and <a>. Note that at the moment, it *is* case-sensitive. If you were to use <C>, it would NOT work properly. As before, the first field, <c>, is the "category" of question, which is used for grouping questions together in the FAQ output. You can have as many or as few categories as you wish, but you must have at least *one* category. You do not have to put all questions that are in the same category together in the data file, as the program will automagically put all those questions together. Note that the categories will be output *in the order in which they first appear* in the data file, unless the '-s' flag is used, in which case they will be sorted alphabetically before being written out. With this format, there are no spacing restrictions at all. You can put them all on one line: <c>General<q>When will the snow melt in Ottawa?<a>I have <i>no</i> idea! or you can put the tags on their own lines: <c> General <q> When will the snow melt in Ottawa? <a> I have <i>no</i> idea! Or any combination of these formats. There is now *no* restriction on the length of either questions or answers. If you wish to use different delimiters than <c>, <q> and <a>, you can either create your own "configuration" that overrides the DefaultConfig settings for 'self.cdelim', 'self.qdelim' and 'self.adelim'... or simply modify those variables in the DefaultConfig class definition. Note that if you do not wish to type a <p> before every new paragraph in the faq.dat file, there is a commented out fix in the (version 2.1) python code that will interpret a blank line between text as a paragraph break and automatically insert a <p> tag at the beginning of the next paragraph. To enable this function, search for the line: #x[2] = sub('\n\n','\n<p>\n',x[2]) which can be found in the ReadSource function and uncomment the line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line). This line is not included by default because it may generate extra <p> characters where you do not want them. --------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONALIZATION/LOCALIZATION ISSUES Up until version 2.0, makefaq always printed two strings in English: "FAQ Revised:" and "Table of Contents". It then put the time in US format after "FAQ Revised:". While this worked for many people, those working with languages other than English wanted makefaq to automatically use the date format and wording appropriate for their language. Thanks to the help of Guy Brand, I have added support to version 2.0 for localization of the makefaq output. In fact, it now will localize the file *by default*. It first looks to see if you have defined the LANG environment variable. If you have, the program will set your locale equal to the contents of the LANG variable. It will then use that variable to generate an appropriate time string and, in some cases, the appropriate text strings. For instance, if you are in the US, your LANG should be set to 'en_US'. In France, it will be 'fr_FR'. In Germany, 'de_DE'. In Brazil, 'pt_BR'. In Italy, 'it'. If you do not have the LANG variable set, the program will default to 'en_US', which is really the pre-2.0 behavior. If you do not have the LANG variable set, but want to modify the locale, the easiest option is to use the '-L' (upper case) command-line option to set the locale to whatever you want. For example: ./makefaq.py -L 'fr_FR' It will work fine with any other command-line options. You also can edit the makefaq.py file directly and change the LOCALE variable at the very top of the file. Note that this variable is ONLY consulted if LANG is *NOT* defined in your operating system environment. If LANG *is* defined, that value will be used and the LOCALE variable will not be used at all. Once the locale is set, the appropriate time string will be generated in all cases. However, at the time I am writing this, there are only four cases where the appropriate text strings will be written out: en_US, fr_FR, de_DE, and pt_BR. Those are the only languages for which I have the appropriate strings. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD YOUR LANGUAGE, simply add a block of text that looks like: elif lc == 'de_DE': cfg.RevString = 'FAQ überarbeitet am:' cfg.TOCString = 'Inhalt' to the function "LocalizeStrings" inside of makefaq.py. I would also ask that you send the information about your locale and text strings to me at 'dyork@Lodestar2.com' so that I can add them to the program for others to use. NOTE TO USERS ON NON-LINUX PLATFORMS: It appears that current versions of the locale module supplied with Python on at least Windows, HP-UX and FreeBSD 4.x do not allow the operating system locale to be set. Because of this, the exact format of the date/time stamp may not be localized to the conventions of your locale. Other than that, however, the program will work fine and, if you are using one of the locales mentioned above, the appropriate text strings *will* be printed out. --------------------------------------------------- DOCBOOK XML EXPORT As of version 2.4, a configuration is available that allows for the *export* of your FAQ data into DocBook XML. Specifically a <qandaset> is generated. This DocBook XML file can now be processed into formats such as PDF, PostScript, HTML and HTML Help using DocBook processing tools. Note that the contents of the <q> and <a> sections of your data file are simply copied to the XML output file. If you have entered HTML tags into either of those sections, they will be copied over and will make the resulting XML file invalid. For more information about DocBook, please see http://www.docbook.org/ and http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ --------------------------------------------------- FILES INCLUDED With this program, there should be the following files: makefaq.py - the python script faq.dat - sample data faq.html - sample HTML output faq.txt - sample text output faq-output.xml - sample DocBook XML output faq.css - CSS stylesheet used by HTML file faqheader.html - default HTML header faqfooter.html - default HTML footer faqheader.txt - default text header faqfooter.txt - default text footer faqheader.xml - default DocBook XML header faqfooter.xml - default DocBook XML footer html.1.faq - sample modified HTML header html.2.faq - sample modified HTML footer BUGS - list of bugs CREDITS - list of acknowledgements LICENSE - yet another copy of the license README - this file TODO - list of changes to be made UPGRADING - notes for people upgrading ChangeLog - list of changes Makefile - makefile to aid in installation makefaq.1 - man page for makefaq The following two files are included as a preview of what the next XML-based version of makefaq may include: faq.xml - sample XML file for next version of makefaq makefaq-xml-1-0.dtd - DTD for future XML format --------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Dan York, dyork@Lodestar2.com http://www.lodestar2.com/software/makefaq/ http://www.makefaq.org/ The author acknowledges significant contributions to the code by Dave Seidel (dave@superluminal.com) and he can definitely be considered as the co-author of this code. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ---------------------------------------------------
makefaq is a Python program that creates a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list from a specially formatted text data file. For output, it can can generate either an HTML page, a text file, or a DocBook XML file. (NOTE: Right now (Jan 2009) I am not really doing much with this program other than using it as a way to learn about git and github.)