Quake Log Parsing Application

This Ruby application parses a Quake game log file and generates a report with information about kills.


  1. Ensure that you have Ruby installed on your system.
  2. Run bundle install to install dependencies
  3. Place the Quake game log file in the resources directory with the name quake_logs.txt.
  4. Run rake run to execute the application.
  5. Run rake test to run the tests.

Further improvements

Test coverage and exception handling

Several use cases were implemented as part of the development of the app, but edge cases were not covered. Exception handling was also not covered.


As it is now, the FileProcessor has too many responsibilities and doesn't have a end to end test. The case clause where the entries are handled should be moved elsewhere making it more modular and testable.

Type Handling

The log types, i.e: :kill, :client_connect, are too loose in the code. We can improve it by creating a Enum class.

Input receivable

For now, only the file at resources/quake_logs.txt will be used to generate a report. It's possible to improve it by reading through input.