ZIM Pizzazz helper module to add shapes, icons and patterns for the ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework at https://zimjs.com. The documentation can be found at https://zimjs.com/docs.html under the helper modules.
ZIM and Pizzazz can be imported with JavaScript modules - see https://zimjs.com/code for template
import zim from "https://zimjs.org/cdn/016/zim_pizzazz";
Or use the @zimjs/pizzazz NPM module - the code which is saved in this repository.
import zim from "zimjs"
import { makeShape, makeIcon, makePattern } from "@zimjs/pizzazz"
ZIM is a general canvas framework with many conveniences, components and controls - code creativity!
See the ZIM repository at https://github.com/danzen/zimjs for information on ZIM and open source license, etc.