flutter-google-maps-null-safety# Uber clone with flutter and advanced markers

Reverse geocode Routes
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 - 2021-07-28 at 17 36 53 Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 - 2021-07-28 at 17 37 13

This app uses google_maps_flutter for maps and here API for reverse geocoding and routes.


  • Google API Key (with google maps enabled for iOS and Android): First you need to define your google API key in the AppDelegate.swift and AndroidManifest.xml.

  • Set the here API KEY In the const.dart file inside lib/app/helpers you need to set an API(Rest API) key to be able to make requests to the here maps API

About the project

This project uses flutter_meedu as state management and dependency injection and creates a custom marker using a CustomPainter


❤️ Don't forget leave your like on pub.dev for flutter_meedu and Github if this project was useful for you 💪.

For more info check my Spanish course https://meedu.app/curso/google-maps-con-flutter

Also you can find a version using Provider as state managment in https://github.com/darwin-morocho/flutter-google-maps-null-safety/tree/master/section_05