
A tool to sync JIRA issues to Stormboard.

Primary LanguageRuby


A utility to sync JIRA issues to Stormboard.


You can install this from RubyGems:

gem install jirastorm

You can also install from source:

git clone https://github.com/danzilio/jirastorm
cd jirastorm/
bundle install
bundle exec gem build jirastorm.gemspec
gem install jirastorm-0.1.0.gem


There are a number of ways to configure JiraStorm. You can pass configuration options to the command line, define them as environment variables, or place them in a configuration file, or any combination thereof.


CLI Options Config File Parameter Environment Variable
config-file JIRASTORM_CONF
jira-issue-limit jira_issue_limit JIRA_ISSUE_LIMIT
jira-url jira_url JIRA_URL
jira-username jira_username JIRA_USERNAME
jira-password jira_password JIRA_PASSWORD
stormboard-url stormboard_url STORMBOARD_URL
stormboard-key stormboard_key STORMBOARD_KEY
storm-id storm_id STORM_ID
storm-key storm_key STORM_KEY
storm-name storm_name STORM_NAME
create-storm/no-create-storm create_storm
clean-storm/no-clean-storm clean_storm
log-level log_level JIRASTORM_LOG_LEVEL
log-destination log_destination JIRASTORM_LOG_DESTINATION

Command Line Options

  [--config-file=CONFIG_FILE]            # The path to a configuration file.
                                         # Default: ~/.jirastorm.rb
  [--jira-issue-limit=N]                 # The maximum number of JIRA issues to sync.
  [--jira-url=JIRA_URL]                  # The URL of your JIRA instance.
  [--jira-username=JIRA_USERNAME]        # Your JIRA username.
  [--jira-password=JIRA_PASSWORD]        # Your JIRA password.
  [--stormboard-url=STORMBOARD_URL]      # The URL of the Stormboard API.
                                         # Default: https://api.stormboard.com
  [--stormboard-key=STORMBOARD_KEY]      # The API key to use to conncet to Stormboard.
  [--storm-id=N]                         # The ID of the Storm to sync to.
  [--storm-key=STORM_KEY]                # The key of a Storm to join.
  [--storm-name=STORM_NAME]              # The name to give the newly created Storm.
  [--create-storm], [--no-create-storm]  # Create a new storm if one is not specified or found.
                                         # Default: true
  [--clean-storm], [--no-clean-storm]    # Remove all Storm ideas before syncing.
  [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL]                # The log level to output.
                                         # Default: info
  [--log-destination=LOG_DESTINATION]    # A file to log to.

Configuration File Options

Most of the CLI options can be defined in a configuration file located at ~/.jirastorm.rb. The configuration file is just a Ruby script so you can do all kinds of fun things. Here's an example of a configuration file that uses the highline gem to prompt the user for a password:

require 'highiline/import'

jira_url 'https://jira.example.com'
jira_username 'foo'
jira_password ask("Please enter your JIRA password:\n") { |q| q.echo = '*' }
stormboard_key 'supersecretstormboardkey'
storm_id '90210'


The jirastorm sync command accepts a JQL query as an argument. The JIRA issues returned by that JQL query will be synced to Stormboard. This example assumes all configuration is done in the configuration file:

jirastorm sync 'project = SYS AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY updatedDate DESC'

The above example would sync all unresolved tickets in the SYS project in the descending order in which they were last updated. By default JIRA will only return the first 50 issues of a query. You can increase or decrease the maximum number of tickets that get synced to Stormboard by using the jira-issue-limit option:

jirastorm sync --jira-issue-limit 10 'project = SYS AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY updatedDate DESC'

Here's the above example with the configuration options defined at the command line:

jirastorm sync 'project = SYS AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY updatedDate DESC' \
   --jira-url https://jira.example.com \
   --jira-username foouser \
   --jira-password supersecretpassword \
   --stormboard-key supersecretstormboardkey \
   --storm-id 90120 \
   --jira-issue-limit 10 \

If you don't specify a Storm ID, JiraStorm will create a new Storm for you. You can specify the name of the Storm using the storm-name option:

jirastorm sync 'project = SYS AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY updatedDate DESC' \
   --jira-url https://jira.example.com \
   --jira-username foouser \
   --jira-password supersecretpassword \
   --stormboard-key supersecretstormboardkey \
   --storm-name 'My JIRA Issue Storm!'

JiraStorm will output the Storm URL after it finishes syncing.


This gem is compatible with Ruby versions >= 2.0.0


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Write a failing test
  4. Write the code to make that test pass
  5. Refactor your new code
  6. Document your changes
  7. Submit a pull request

If you need help with any of these steps, please don't hesitate to ask :)