
Demonstrating use of MoveIt Servo pose tracking demo with UR robots

Primary LanguagePython


Working attempt to run the MoveIt Servo pose tracking demo with UR robots.

See https://youtu.be/-5iBKqu-9CY

By default, the package uses fake/mock hardware and launches

  • A ROS 2 Control controller manager
  • An arm controller for the fake hardware specified in the servo config YAML file
  • RViz for visualization.

If you want to test the demo with real hardware or URSim, first, start ur_robot_driver, make sure forward_position_controller is loaded, and make sure the external control program is running on the robot to connect it to the driver.

Then run:

ros2 launch servo_ur_pose_tracking_demo pose_tracking_example.launch.py use_fake_hardware:=false 

To run this without RViz visualization, you can pass launch_rviz:=false.