- NodeJS
- Postgresql
- geth-statediff
- ipld-eth-indexer
- postgraphile
- Run geth-statediff with
and--rpcapi "web3,eth,net,debug,personal,statediff"
options , e.g.
./geth-statediff --testnet --rpc --rpcapi "web3,eth,net,debug,personal,statediff" --rpccorsdomain '*' --rpcaddr="" --rpcport="8545" --syncmode=full --statediff --ws --wsaddr=""
- Run
, e.g.
ETH_WS_PATH=localhost:8546 ./ipld-eth-indexer sync --database-hostname localhost --database-port 5432 --database-password dbpass --database-user dbuser --eth-chain-id 3
- Run postgraphile to expose data from database:
docker run -p -e PG_HOST=pg-host -e PG_PORT=5432 -e PG_DATABASE=vulcanize_public -e PG_USER=dbuser -e PG_PASSWORD=dbpass -e SCHEMA=public,eth vulcanize/postgraphile:v1.0.1
(if you are running postgresql on localhost you need to get local ip address and set it as PG_HOST
cp config.example.toml config.toml
# edit database connections in config.toml
npm i
# run migrations
npm run migrate:up
# sync realtime events
npm run dev
- Add to table
name of events that you want to watch, e.g.
INSERT INTO contract.events (name) VALUES ('Transfer');
INSERT INTO contract.events (name) VALUES ('Approval');
- Add to table
information about contract, e.g.
INSERT INTO contract.contracts (name, address, abi, events, methods, starting_block) VALUES ('Uni', '0xbb38B6F181541a6cEdfDac0b94175B2431Aa1A02', 'ABIHERE', '{1,2}', null, 1);
Then generate some events in Smart Contract and it will be populated to data
schema in database.
npm run build-browser-lib
npm run static-serve
- Open http://localhost:3000/
- connect to server via ssh
cd contract-watcher-runner
docker-compose exec dapptools sh
export ETH_FROM="0x117Db93426Ad44cE9774D239389fcB83057Fc88b"
(... seth send ...)
ETH_RPC_ACCOUNTS=1 seth send --gas 0xffff "0xE09af19D2E5254dA6c102da9fc4DdCc5B96856a0" "set(uint)" 42
ETH_RPC_ACCOUNTS=1 seth send --gas 0xffff 0x40bDf8ed288775f278f5e61E6FDf728bdcaC17A1 'setMessage(string)' '"Hi 2021!"'
ETH_RPC_ACCOUNTS=1 seth send --gas 0xffff 0x272017314c76110177F4Eac09E04Eb3476788B70 'setA(uint)' 10