
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Optimised Incremental Merkle Tree

The problem

Ordinary incremental Merkle tree implementations have inefficient update operations. Every time a leaf is updated, the entire tree is recomputed by inserting each leaf all over again.

The solution

Trade off storage/memory for speed.

Represent nodes as a key-value map where the key is the node index and the value is the node.

Use a simple key-value map to store data. This may be on disk or in memory. There should be plenty of mature and fast options like LMDB.

Node index The node index is the index of a node array which represents the Merkle tree.

For example, a binary Merkle tree with 2 levels and leaves a, b, c, d can be represented with this node array:

[a, b, c, d, h(a, b), h(c, d), root]

where h() is a hash function.

a is at index 0.

h(a, b) is at index 4.

Zero values

Upon initialisation of the tree, we compute the zero values. This is the empty node per level.

[z, h(z, z), h(h(z, z), h(z, z))]

If c and d are empty leaves, then the nodes can be represented as such:

    0: a,
    1: b,
    4: h(a, b),
    6: root = h(h(a, b), h(z, z))

There is no need to store the values of items at indices 2, 3, and 5, since those are precalculated zero values.

Computing Merkle proofs

Example 1: there are 4 leaves in a binary MT and all leaves are non-zero. The nodes array is:

[a, b, c, d, h(a, b), h(c, d), root]

The representation of the node array as a key-value map is as such:

    0: a,
    1: b,
    2: c,
    3: d,
    4: h(a, b),
    5: h(c, d),
    6: root = h(h(a, b), h(c, d))

We want to compute the Merkle proof of leaf 2 (whose value is c).

First, compute the path indices.

let r = Math.floor(index / arity)
indices = []
for i in range(0, levels):
    p = r % arity // e.g. p % 2 for a binary tree
    r = Math.floor(r /leavesPerNode)

When index == 2, indices == [1, 0].

Next, compute the path elements.

pathElements = []
j = 1
for i in indices:
    e = nodeArray[j * arity + i]
    j ++

As such:

pathElements = [
    nodeArray[1 * 2 + 1 = 3] = d,
    nodeArray[2 * 2 + 0 = 4] = h(a, b),

To verify the Merkle path:

root == h(d, h(a, b))


To perform an update, only depth - 1 hashes have to be computed.

Consider again this binary Merkle tree with 4 leaves:

[a, b, c, d, h(a, b), h(c, d), h(...)]

To update the leaf at index 2 (whose value is c), only 2 hash operations are needed:

[a, b, c*, d, h(a, b), h(c*, d), h(...)*]