Building Baseline aicamp project work

config folder

Contains previous projects with *.data, *.names, and *.cfg files

etl folder

Contains python code to collect images using Bing API Contains python script to grab list of labels created on Labelbox Contains python script to download image from labelbox and transform label information into yolo format Contains python script to split labeled data to 80/10/10

keys folder

Put your keys here if you need to access API with keys Bing requires API key to use their search labelbox API requires key to extract label information as json stream (alternative: download from website)

model_eval folder

Contains python script to evaluate trained model

Notes to use code to help train under darknet (draft)

  1. git clone repository to under darknet folder where darknet was cloned and compiled
  2. configure to accordingly (details tbd)
  3. Run to grab images using Azure cognitive services for images
  4. Run to grab label info from
  5. Run to prepare labeled data and images for yolo format
  6. Run to split data into train set, valid set, and test set (80/10/10)
  7. To train configure and Setup your yolov3.cfg, obj.names, and, and download darknet53.conv.74 weights
  8. Run in command line interface: ./darknet detector train name_of_your_yolov3.cfg darknet53.conv.74 -dont_show -map a. -dont_show hides detailed errors from output b. -map uses mean average precision to train and uses valid data set c. -clear to train from the beginning
  9. After Training, to perform some spot checking use the following command: a. ./darknet detector test your.cfg backup/your_final.weights data_for_test/image_name.jpg
  10. Configure and run to view model performance