
An exploration of end-to-end testing in a Single Page Application implemented by Angular or Knockout

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

End-to-End testing a Single Page Application using Angular or Knockout

An implementation of the same SPA in both AngularJS and KnockoutJS (with CrossroadsJS and RequireJS), with a suite of end-to-end tests in both solutions.

###Introduction This is a follow-up project from my Angular-vs-Knockout project. Here, I have implemented a suite of end-to-end tests in both projects, using a mocked server to improve the robustness of the tests.

The accompanying blog post is here: End-to-end testing with Angular and Knockout


From both the AngularFrontEnd and KnockoutFrontEnd folders:

npm install

###Start the servers

Use node to run the back-end server:

call node NodeBackEnd\index.js

Use the node http server to host the web site locally:

call http-server AngularFrontEnd\app –p 8082 -o -c-1
call http-server KnockoutFrontEnd\src –p 8081 -o -c-1

###Run the end-to-end tests

####For the Angular project

Run the unit tests from the AngularFrontEnd folder:

Protractor test/protractor-conf.js

####For the Knockout project

Install jasmine-node:

npm install jasmine-node -g

Install the Chrome Driver for Selenium, and add ChromeDriver to you PATH:

SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\....\npm\node_modules\chromedriver\lib\chromedriver

Run the unit tests from the KnockoutFrontEnd folder:

jasmine-node test/e2e/ --captureExceptions