React Native Typescript Template

A React Native Typescript Template which included necessary lib and configurations for a mobile app:

  • State Management: Redux / Redux Persist / Redux Toolkit
  • Animation: Reanimated 2 / Moti / Lottie
  • Infrastructure: React Native Config
  • Form


  • NodeJS >= 14.x
  • Android Studio 2020.3.1 Patch 4
  • xCode 13.0

Project Structure


Dependencies Configuration

Icon & SplashScreen


  • Dependencies
    • $ npm install -g app-icon
    • ImageMagick version 7.1.0-27-Q16-HDRI-x64-dll
      • Remember to tick Install lagecy tools (e.g convert)
    • Icon file size 1024x1024
  • Generates new icon
$ app-icon generate -i assets/icon-android.png -p android --background-icon assets/icon-android-background.png --foreground-icon assets/icon-android-foreground.png --adaptive-icons
$ app-icon generate -i assets/icon-ios.png -p ios
  • Generates new splash screen
$ yarn react-native generate-bootsplash assets/splashscreen.png --background-color=FFFFFF --logo-width=200


  • Icon & Splash generator:
  • Tutorial: check react-native-splash-screen-tutor.png in guides folder for setup guide
  • Notes:
    • Create new Image Set named launch_screen inside Images.xcassets and drag and drop images into 3 blocks
    • To create Image View, select View layer then click + button on the top right of the xCode, find the Image View then drag into the View
    • Android: Add following to prevent the white/black splash before splashscreen
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="android:windowDisablePreview">true</item>
  • IMPORTANT: If this plugin installed along with rn-firebase (notification), the iOS will crash when reopen app. To fix this, add new View to iOS name LaunchScreen then copy configuration of existing LaunchScreen to new one

Data Service