Code for HLA-Face: Joint High-Low Adaptation for Low Light Face Detection (CVPR21)
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Problems with running the test code
#19 opened by Pandoravirus-N-T - 0
#18 opened by Pandoravirus-N-T - 1
Issue about darken image by Cyclegan and CUT
#17 opened by pyyyyyyyyy - 1
Excuse me, how do you perform performance tests on DarkFace's test set? Whether to use the DarkFace_eval_tool provided by the official, the official does not seem to provide the corresponding label for the test dataset
#16 opened by kairenchen123 - 7
UG2+ Track1.2
#15 opened by zhebawomenjiuyaochangshenle - 6
DarkFace Train/Val Split
#5 opened by yanqinJiang - 5
How to calculate the metrics?
#4 opened by JunrQ - 0
help :Seek exdark datasets
#14 opened by TXM-MB - 0
The loss does not converge during training
#13 opened by celiazzx - 8
Unable to replicate train brightening
#10 opened by gkagkos - 1
When do Validation
#12 opened by celiazzx - 3
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#9 opened by guohuanguohuan - 2
where is the class Detect defined?
#8 opened by ShangGL123 - 2
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ExDark datasest
#6 opened by life97 - 1
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how to apply it to video
#2 opened by chen614835 - 0
what's the meaning of mAP in paper
#1 opened by zehuichen123