Here is an example of using lambda's with node, aws cli, aws sam cli, and localstack
This app just connects to localstacks dynamodb and allows you to add stuff/get information using rest calls
Install AWS CLI (If you have homebrew you can just do 'brew install awscli')
Install AWS-SAM-CLI (
Install Docker (
Download localstack and run the localstack docker image ( Running the docker image you are on a mac 'TMPDIR=/private$TMPDIR docker-compose up'
Run to add task table to the DB
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4569 dynamodb create-table --table-name task --attribute-definitions AttributeName=Id,AttributeType=N --key-schema AttributeName=Id,KeyType=HASH --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5
Make sure to run npm install in task directory
Run 'sam local start-api --docker-network localstack_default' in directory with template.yaml get the lambda running on the same network