
Optimize a node project to a single JS file for distribution release.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a modified version of node-optimize at https://github.com/danielgindi/node-optimize for compatibility with ECMAScript 6+. The original project was not updated for years.

npm Version

We all need a tool to optimize a node.js project and create a single js file from it, Taking care of requires and leaving out node_modules.

Well I needed one too, and there wasn't one, so I build it!


	var NodeOptimizer = require('node-optimize');
	var optimizer = new NodeOptimizer({ 
		ignore: [
    var mergedJs = optimizer.merge('main.js'); // node-optimize will automatically resolve that path for 'main.js' using path.resolve(...)
	require('fs').writeFile(require('path').resolve('main.optimized.js'), mergedJs);

What's in the bag

  • options.ignore -> Tell it which files to ignore in the process of expanding the require calls.
  • Automatically ignores core modules, or modules from node_modules.
  • Currently handles *.js, *.json, and directory modules (with or without package.json/main).
  • Functionality of require statements stay the same - loading on demand, loading once, and synthesizing the module global object.
  • Handling of cyclic references same as node.js's' native implementation
  • Using include option to include files which are not automatically detected (because of dynamic requires using variables and other complex loading mechanisms)
  • Loading modules which were specified using complex require statement (i.e. require(moduleName + '_' + index))

Note: Support for require of module folders (with parsing of package.json etc.) will be added in the future.