
Visual demonstration of solving multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) problems in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Visual demonstration of solving Multi-Agent-Pathfinding (MAPF) problems

What is happening

  • Given several independent agents (in this case 7), the program will solve multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) problem, and animate the solution path for each agent.
  • The solution to the MAPF problem found by the program is optimal (shortest paths for each agent and shortest running time possible)
  • Inspiration: Amazon warehouse AI robots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSA5Bq-1fU4 @ 33 seconds in

Running the demo

Run the program like so:

python3 run_experiments.py --instance instances/<test_case.txt> --solver <algorithm>

E.g, The above animation can be run by using

python3 run_experiments.py --instance instances/test_21.txt --solver CBS

different MAPF algorithms

  • each of the following MAPF algorithms use A-Star search (heuristic based search) under the hood

Independent algorithm

  • plans for all the agents independently. Their paths do not collide with the environment, but are allowed to collide with the paths of other agents. Therefore, collisions are allowed

Prioritized algorithm

  • orders the agents by assigning each agent a different priority. It then plans paths for the agents, one after the other, in order of decreasing priority.
  • Prioritized planning is fast but suboptimal (meaning that it does not always find an optimal collision-free solution) and incomplete (meaning that it does not always find a collision-free solution even if one exists)

CBS algorithm

  • plans the shortest paths for all the agents independently. If theres a collision between agents, it recursively considers two cases:
  1. the (negative) constraint that prohibits agent a from being in cell x at time step t
  2. the (negative) constraint that prohibits agent b from being in cell x at time step t.
  • Eventually, CBS finds a collision-free solution that is complete and optimal