
:email: User Subscribe/Unsubscribe features for Laravel Application.

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Subscribe

📧 User subscribe/unsubscribe feature for Laravel Application. This fork solves a Laravel Cashier Trait class name conflict:

Trait method Overtrue\LaravelSubscribe\Traits\Subscriber::subscriptions has not been applied as App\Models\User::subscriptions, because of collision with Laravel\Cashier\Billable::subscriptions


$ composer require dapehe94/laravel-subscribe -vvv


This step is optional

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dapehe94\\LaravelSubscribe\\SubscribeServiceProvider" --tag=config


You need to publish the migration files for use the package:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dapehe94\\LaravelSubscribe\\SubscribeServiceProvider" --tag=migrations




use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Dapehe94\LaravelSubscribe\Traits\Subscriber;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Subscriber;


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Dapehe94\LaravelSubscribe\Traits\Subscribable;

class Post extends Model
    use Subscribable;



$user = User::find(1);
$post = Post::find(2);


Get object subscribers:
foreach($post->subscribers as $user) {
    // echo $user->name;
// all

// with type

// subscribers count

List with *_count attribute:

$users = User::withCount('subscriptions')->get();

foreach($users as $user) {
    echo $user->subscriptions_count;

Filter subscribables

$posts = Post::hasSubscribers($user)->get();
$posts = Post::hasSubscribers($user->id)->get();
$posts = Post::hasSubscribers([$user1, $user2])->get();
$posts = Post::hasSubscribers([$user1->id, $user2->id])->get();

// or
$posts = Post::subscribedBy($user)->get();
$posts = Post::subscribedBy($user->id)->get();
$posts = Post::subscribedBy([$user1, $user2])->get();
$posts = Post::subscribedBy([$user1->id, $user2->id])->get();

Order by subscribers count

You can query subscribable model order by subscribers count with following methods:

  • orderBySubscribersCountDesc()
  • orderBySubscribersCountAsc()
  • orderBySubscribersCount(string $direction = 'desc')


$posts = Post::orderBySubscribersCountDesc()->get();
$mostPopularPost = Post::orderBySubscribersCountDesc()->first();

N+1 issue

To avoid the N+1 issue, you can use eager loading to reduce this operation to just 2 queries. When querying, you may specify which relationships should be eager loaded using the with method:

// Subscriber
$users = App\User::with('subscriptions')->get();

foreach($users as $user) {

// Subscribable
$posts = App\Post::with('subscriptions')->get();
// or 
$posts = App\Post::with('subscribers')->get();

foreach($posts as $post) {

Attach the subscription status to subscribable collection

You can use Subscriber::attachSubscriptionStatus(Collection $subscribeables) to attach the user subscription status, it will set has_subscribed attribute to each model of $subscribables:

For model

$user1 = User::find(1);


// result
    "id" => 1
    "name" => "user1"
    "private" => false
    "created_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "updated_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "has_subscribed" => true  

For Collection | Paginator | LengthAwarePaginator | array:

$user = auth()->user();

$posts = Post::oldest('id')->get();

$posts = $user->attachSubscriptionStatus($posts);

$posts = $posts->toArray();

// result
    "id" => 1
    "title" => "title 1"
    "created_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "updated_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "has_subscribed" => true  
    "id" => 2
    "title" => "title 2"
    "created_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "updated_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "has_subscribed" => true
    "id" => 3
    "title" => "title 3"
    "created_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "updated_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "has_subscribed" => false
    "id" => 4
    "title" => "title 4"
    "created_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "updated_at" => "2021-06-07T15:06:47.000000Z"
    "has_subscribed" => false

For pagination

$posts = Post::paginate(20);



Event Description
Dapehe94\LaravelSubscribe\Events\Subscribed Triggered when the relationship is created.
Dapehe94\LaravelSubscribe\Events\Unsubscribed Triggered when the relationship is deleted.
