Environment for faster coding of quick Java tools.
Eddie was written for two reasons:
- Reducing the overheads for writing small java tools.
- Serving as single project for keeping tools, as an aid for (organisational) memory of available tools.
Eddie tools are essentially scripts, that are written in Java rather than in a more script-friendly language.
New tools should be added under the package com.decell.EddieTools
Create a tool by creating two classes:
ToolNameProperties: a pojo object with a set of setters and getters. Eddie will look in the configuration file for properties matching all the settings. So if there’s a method
void setFoo(boolean b)
Eddie will search for the following key in the properties:
ToolName.foo = False
- implement callable,
- receives a ToolNameProperties instance in the c’tor
- do the main processing in call()