The projects and exercises here are done from the perspective of a data analyst at an early-stage eCommerce startup. The analyst works with the marketing team to analyze and optimize marketing channels, measure and test website conversion performance, and use data to understand the impact of new product launches.

The analyst first helps the company prepare data for an executive board meeting (see the materials for Project 1). Here are the key findings:

  • Strong growth in sessions, orders, and conversion rates (Q1 analysis)
  • Strong growth in brand orders (orders placed after explicitly searching for Maven in the browser, Q2 analysis)
  • Relative increase in desktop VS mobile orders (Q3 analysis)
  • Strong growth in organic search and direct type in sessions (Q4 analysis), indicating an increase in sessions that are of no cost to the company
  • Increase in conversion rates from around 3.2% to 4.4% in under a year (Q5 analysis)
  • 0.8% lift from the new landing page, leading to extra 50 orders per month on average (Q6 analysis)
  • Lift of $8.51 per billing page view ($10,160/month) due to the new billing page (Q8 analysis)
  • Additional analyses: Conversion funnel analyses for the new landing page (Q7 analyses)

Later, the analyst relates Maven's growth story to potential investors (see the final project). The reports show the company's progress over the first three years of its life cycle. I have supplemented these analyses with a Tableau story and a chart (also found in Final Project Tableau Analysis.pdf) The Tableau growth story can be found here, the querries are here and the key findings are summarized below.

  • The quarterly number of orders has grown by a factor of 100x since the company started (Q1)
  • Session-to-order conversion rates have increased from around 3% to around 8% (Q2)
  • Revenue per session has increased from $1.60 to $5.30 (Q2)
  • Organic traffic ratio has tripled from 6:1 (nonorganic:organic) to 2:1 (nonorganic:organic), indicating decreased business reliance on paid campaigns (Q3)
  • Conversion rates from paid traffic have more than doubled for key channels, from 3.2% to 6.6% for Google search traffic, for example (Q4)
  • Revenues have increased by a factor of 10x on average for the two key products and revenues for all products have increased (Q5)
  • The clickthrough rate to products page has increased from 71% to 85% and product-to-order conversion rate has increased from 8% to 14% (Q6)
  • Adding the fourth product has increased sales from the previous three products as well (Q7)

The projects are part of John Pauler's highly recommended Advanced SQL: MySQL Data Analysis & Business Intelligence course. Class certificate is found here. See class assignments for examples of other analyses, which are found in Other Projects and Assignments folder. I have worked out all problems before looking at the suggested course solutions, and while some of my analyses deviate from the approaches covered in the course, they lead to the same final answers.