
Because tax reporting is crypto trader's biggest nightmare.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


F-Taxes is a free and open source crypto tax calculation tool. It strives to be an alternative to the dozens of overpriced online services.


  • Very fast in comparison with online services as it runs locally on your PC instead of in the cloud.
  • All your data stays under your control.
  • No transaction limits.
  • Open source, extensible by the community.
  • Free, because paying taxes sucks already enough.

F-Taxes is very, very early stage and not usable yet. Feel free to run the app yourself and tinker with it though.

Warning: While you could self-host this app on a webspace it's strongly recommended to NOT do that. The reason is that this software is in a very early stage and is missing A LOT of the typical security mechanisms to have it accessible from the outside world in a safe way.

Tech Stack

The backend is written in GO. The frontend is a Single Page Application with heavily uses web components. The lib for the web components is called lit-element (https://lit.dev/). Mongodb is used to store the data.

How to run F-Taxes for development

Follow these steps to run F-Taxes locally for development. It comes ready to go with build tooling.


F-Taxes uses Mongodb as it's database. You can either simply install mongodb (https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community) on your machine. This makes it available on localhost:27017 or you run docker-compose up -d to spin up mongodb using docker.

Next you need to have the GO programming language installed. Please refer to https://go.dev/ for the installation steps. For the frontend you need to have nodejs installed. Please refer to https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm for the installation steps.

For build tooling you need to install air and gowebbuild

go install github.com/cosmtrek/air@latest
go install github.com/trading-peter/gowebbuild@latest

Next make sure that Mongodb runs on localhost:27017 (that's the default and should therefore be the case).

Open a terminal and navigate into the frontend folder. Type npm install and hit enter. This installs all the dependencies of the frontend.

Open a second terminal in the project root. Type gowebbuild and hit enter. This will rebuild the frontend every time you change a file in frontend/src.

In the first terminal, navigate into the project root. Type air and hit enter (air -c .\.air.win.toml if you're on windows). This will start the backend with support for auto-reloading on file changes in the backend/ folder.

You can leverage the auto-reload feature in your browser by using the livereload extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/livereload/jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei).

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000

You should see the F-Taxes UI.

To stop developing press CTRL+C in both terminals.

Data Source Plugins

Data source plugins function as a bridge between F-Taxes and some exchange, blockchain, excel file or whatever.

Communication is done via NATS. A open source messaging server embedded into F-Taxes. NATS is a independent project and it's big benefit is the long list of readily available client libs for pretty much any popular coding language. This means, NATS allows to write extensions for F-Taxes in their preferred language without the need to know the tech stack of F-Taxes itself.