- 1
[Question] Why i cant't use type Dict\dict without specifying keys and values type for xml model field typing
#200 opened by Molandrious - 3
How to handle xsi:type ?
#210 opened by gizmo84 - 1
default values are not validated against the model
#220 opened by Gijs-Koot - 5
Severe memory leak
#222 opened by asrenzo - 1
Recursive model error in latest version
#227 opened by DenSinH - 1
mypy plugin crashes
#232 opened by eltoder - 1
Is it possible to store xml entire subtree in a pydantic atrribute (use case: storing HTML)
#235 opened by cielecki - 2
- 0
typing.Sequence is not supported
#230 opened by eltoder - 0
Internal error when using pydantic.PlainValidator
#229 opened by eltoder - 2
Simple model with root namespace on error
#226 opened by PaulSka - 2
- 0
Document that sub-models don't inherit the namespace map from the parent one
#221 opened by astrojuanlu - 4
Parsing fails for `List` field when `@field_validator` is used with `mode="before"`
#219 opened by ghilesmeddour - 2
Error while parsing wrapped attribute
#218 opened by ghilesmeddour - 1
- 2
List of arbitrary elements?
#214 opened by larsks - 2
- 2
[Question] How to handle a nillable wrapped?
#211 opened by ReinderVosDeWael - 2
skip_empty produces invalid xml
#194 opened by spacemanspiff2007 - 2
[Feature Request] Add exclude_unset and exclude_none options to the to_xml method
#203 opened by maya-brandi - 4
list of discriminated unions
#206 opened by A-Debord - 1
[Question] Disable namespace inheritance
#197 opened by elio2t - 2
Default namespace propagation to children of a child
#202 opened by asrenzo - 3
- 1
Modeling mappings as child elements?
#179 opened by zygi - 1
Annotated attributes not serializing correctly.
#180 opened by Woody1193 - 1
- 2
type dict raises pydantic_xml.errors.ModelError: type any is not supported
#198 opened by koeppe-at-pdtec - 1
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- 2
- 1
Incompatibility with enums and pydantic 2.7.0
#182 opened by joshvote - 2
Why isn't this working?
#185 opened by conradogarciaberrotaran - 1
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Mixed Content?
#176 opened by npmccallum - 3
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- 3
- 2
AttributeError: module 'pydantic_core' has no attribute 'TuplePositionalSchema'
#167 opened by maurosilber - 2
- 7
Clarify ambiguity for empty element text
#154 opened by bodograumann - 3
Cannot serialize optional raw fields.
#158 opened by ajoino - 7
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- 0
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Using directly with FastAPI
#149 opened by elijahsgh