
Dapper OAuth SDK for Android

Primary LanguageKotlin


DapperOAuth is a lightweight SDK that allows clients to authenticate their users via Dapper's OAuth2 Identity service and the NBA Auth Gateway.


Assuming the build system is Gradle, follow these steps to get the sdk

1.Add the JitPack repository to your root build.gradle at the end of repositories under allProjects like below

allprojects {
    repositories {
        .... //existing code

        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Add the dependency in module level build.gradle file under dependencies like below
dependencies {
     ... /existing dependencies
    implementation 'com.github.dapperlabs:dapper-oauth-android:0.1.2'


  1. Initialize an instance of DapperAuthClient. The constructor requires activity context the client app's clientId, custom clientRedirectURI, and optionally allows you to specify the OAuth environment (.staging or .production) default is production like below
DapperAuthClient(this,"a3d4602c-43e4-4d3e-959d-131300853d06", "com.dapper.oauth-example://oauth2/callback", Environment.STAGING)
  1. Make sure to override the custom clientRedirectURI in app module build.gradle file like below
android {
    defaultConfig {
        // Make sure this is consistent with the redirect URI passed in `DapperAuthClient`,
        // or specify additional redirect URIs in AndroidManifest.xml
        manifestPlaceholders = [
                'appAuthRedirectScheme': 'com.dapper.oauth-example'

Alternatively, the redirect URI can be directly configured by adding an intent-filter for Dapp-oauth-android's RedirectUriReceiverActivity to your AndroidManifest.xml:

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

                <data android:scheme="com.dapper.oauth-example" />
  1. Implement or create instance of the DapperAuthListener interface and this requires you to implement two methods:
public protocol DapperAuthListener {
    func onAuthenticationSuccess(okens: TokensResponse)
    func onAuthenticationFailure(error: String)

This allows the activity to handle the success and failure cases.

  1. At the appropriate point in your login flow, call the login method on DapperAuthClient instance created in step 1, pass the instance DapperAuthListener ,optionally specifying the scopes that your app requires from Dapper:
fun login(
        scopes: List<Scope> = listOf(
        dapperAuthListener: DapperAuthListener)

Authentication Flow

The purpose of this SDK is to provide clients with a simple way to authenticate users through Dapper's OAuth2 provider, the Identity service. Once the user has successfully authenticated with their Dapper credentials, the SDK will return the user's session token and CSRF token to the client application, allowing it to make authenticated requests on behalf of the user.

A more detailed explanation of the OAuth flow can be found here. At a high level, the SDK performs the following steps:

  1. Loads the Dapper login page using SFAuthenticationSession at the following URL:
"https://app.dapperlabs.com/hydra/oauth2/auth \
	?client_id=a3d4602c-43e4-4d3e-959d-131300853d06 \
	&response_type=code \
	&redirect_uri=https://api.staging.nba.dapperlabs.com/auth-gateway/auth \
	&scope=openid%20email%20offline%20app.dapperlabs.com/eth.wallet.read \

The following query string parameters are required:

  • client_id: The client app's Auth Gateway must be registered with the Identity service in order to be able to initiate the OAuth flow. The client_id can be obtained from an admin of the Identity service. Currently hard-coded in the SDK for the NBA Auth Gateway.
  • response_type=code: Indicates that we want to retrieve a one-time token (ott) from the OAuth provider, which we will use later to exchange for a sessionToken and authToken.
  • redirect_uri: This is the URL of the Auth Gateway's authentication endpoint, from which the SDK will retrieve a one-time token upon sucessful authentication.
  • scope: OAuth scopes allow clients to read or write certain user data on behalf of the user. Dapper supports the following OAuth scopes.
  • state: String parameter that is used to specify the callback URI to redirect to once authentication completes. This callback URI allows the SDK to retrieve the user's ott once they have successfully logged in. It must also be registered with the Identity service or the request will fail.
  1. After the user successfully logs in, the Auth Gateway redirects the client to its callback URL and returns a one-time token in the ott query parameter.

  2. the SDK exchanges the user's ott for a sessionToken and csrfToken with the Auth Gateway's token endpoint by making a GET request to the following URL:

  1. If successful, the server will respond with a JSON payload containing the sessionToken and csrfToken:


Muhammad Bilal, muhammad.bilal@dapperlabs.com