Studio Platform Smart Contracts

Golazos Contract Addresses

Network Address
Testnet 0x1271da8a94edb0ff Flow View Source
Mainnet 0x87ca73a41bb50ad5 Flow View Source



Series encompass periods of time and will be named using strings like: 18/19 season or 21/22 season. More than one series can be open at any given time, and in order for an Edition to be created, it must have a SeriesID.

On Chain Fields

  • FlowID
  • Name
  • Active


  • CreateSeries: Mints a new series onto Flow
  • CloseSeries: Stops any new Editions from using the specified series


Sets are categories. Sets have a unique name. An Edition must have a SetID to be created. Sets can be locked which makes it impossible to make new Editions from them. Sets contain a dictionary of all the SetID/PlayID combinations that exist within an Edition. This is checked everytime a new Edition is created to ensure they are unique.

On Chain Fields

  • FlowID
  • Name


  • CreateSet: Mints a new set onto Flow


Plays contain the actual play metadata, including stats from LaLiga and Elias. This will contain Player, Team, and Game metadata some of which may be blank depending on the type of moment.

On Chain Fields

  • FlowID
  • Classification (Name TBC: example, PLAYER_GAME, TEAM_GAME, PLAYER_MELT, TEAM_MELT)
  • Metadata (stored as a string map. This can technically be anything, but the agreeed upon fields are as follows)
    • PlayType
    • MatchID
    • MatchDate
    • MatchMatchday
    • MatchSeason
    • MatchHighlightedTeam
    • MatchTime
    • MatchScore
    • MatchHalf
    • PlayerFirstName
    • PlayerLastName
    • PlayerJerseyName
    • PlayerPosition
    • PlayerNumber
    • PlayerCountry
    • PlayerStatsID
    • HomeTeamName
    • AwayTeamName


  • CreatePlay: Mints a new Play on Flow


Editions are the combination of a SeriesID, SetID, and PlayID and are what moments are minted out of. They also have a Max and Current Edition size so we can specify how many moments can ever be minted from the edition.

The MaxEditionSize is optional. If it is not set, moments can be minted unlimitedly. An Edition will close, if either of these things happen:

  • The max number of moments are minted
  • The CloseEdition transaction is used MaxEditionSize cannot be changed once it is set.


  • FlowID
  • SeriesID
  • SetID
  • PlayID
  • MaxEditionSize
  • Tier
  • NumMinted


  • CreateEdition: Mints a new Edition on Flow.
  • CloseEdition: Closes an Edition so no new moments can be minted from it. This is irreversible. The Edition is closed by setting the MaxEditionSize to the value of NumMinted.

Moment NFT

Moments are minted out of editions. You can think of Editions as a "cookie cutter" for moments. The Serial Number is what makes each MomentNFT unique. These are the NFTs that will be sold in packs.


  • FlowID
  • EditionID
  • Serial Number


  • MintMomentNFT: Mints a moment out of an EditionID