Zenroomjs provides a javascript wrapper of Zenroom, a secure and small virtual machine for crypto language processing.🚧 Zenroom and Zenroomjs are part of the DECODE project about data-ownership and technological sovereignty. Our effort is that of improving people's awareness of how their data is processed by algorithms, as well facilitate the work of developers to create along privacy by design principles using algorithms that can be deployed in any situation without any change. |
yarn add zenroom
To start using the zenroom module just
const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
or with ES6 syntax:
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
the zenroomjs module is architectured as a Revealing Module Pattern this also means that once you set some options it will remain till the object lifetime, unless you reset or overwrite them.
Another used paradigm is method chaining this means that you can chain the different methods, let's see some hello worldish example:
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without es6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = `print("hello world from zenroom in nodejs")`
// prints in the console.log "hello world from zenroom in nodejs"
To initialize the options there are two ways, the one with the chaining that we saw before or a handy init()
method to make them in one shot
// method chaining
zenroom.script('print("hello world")')
.success(() => { console.log('everything goes smooth') })
.error(() => { console.error('something very bad happened') })
.reset() // cleans up the session
// using the init() method
options = {
script: 'print("hello world")',
verbosity: 1,
success: () => { console.log('everything goes smooth') },
error: () => { console.error('something very bad happened') }
All the available options and method are covered in the next API section
Set the zenroom script to run
The syntax of the zenroom scripts are extensively available at https://zenroom.dyne.org/api/tutorials/Syntax.html You may want also to look at some example in a live executable environment here https://zenroom.dyne.org/demo/
string the lua script to be set
Example usage of script()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = 'print("hello")'
Returns zenroom the zenroom module
Set the keys JSON for you zenroom execution
the keys will be available in script as the KEYS
object the keys to be set as an object
Example usage of keys()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = `
keys = JSON.decode(KEYS)
const keys = {a: 1, b: 2}
Returns object the zenroom module
Set the conf before your zenroom execution
by now the only conf available is the string umm
that sets the minimal memory manager (64KiB max)
string the string of configuration to be set
Example usage of conf()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = 'print("hello")'
const conf = 'umm'
Returns object the zenroom module
Set the data for your zenroom execution
The data will be available in script as the DATA
Example usage of data()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = `
data = JSON.decode(DATA)
const data = {a: 1, b: 2}
Returns object the zenroom module
Set the print callback to customize the behaviour of the print calls made to stdout by default it prints to the console.log
Type: Function
Example usage of print()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const savedLines = []
const printFunction = (text) => { savedLines.push(text) }
const script = 'print("hello")'
Returns object the zenroom module
Set the success callback that is executed after a successful execution of zenroom
Type: Function
Example usage of success()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = 'print("hello")'
Returns object the zenroom module
Set the error callback that is executed after an unsuccessful execution of zenroom
Type: Function
Example usage of error()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = 'print("hello")';
Returns object the zenroom module
Set the verbosity of the stderr messages outputted by the zenroom virtual machine
As per now the set of accepted value:
- 1 = INFO
- 2 = DEBUG
Example usage of verbosity()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = 'print("hello")'
Returns object the zenroom module
Execute the zenroom vm (using the previously setted options)
It is usually the last method of the chain, but like the other methods returns the zenroom module itself, so can be used for other calls if you need to make more executions in a row
Example usage of zenroom_exec()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = 'print("hello")';
Returns object the zenroom module
Execute zencode contracts (using the previously setted options)
It is usually the last method of the chain, but like the other methods returns the zenroom module itself, so can be used for other calls if you need to make more executions in a row
Example usage of zencode_exec()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const zencode = 'print("hello")';
Returns object the zenroom module
This method allows the configuration of your call by passing one configuration option object. You can use the chain methods after this anyway.
If some attribute is already set, those will be overwritten by the new options
The following options are available:
- script
- keys
- conf
- data
- success
- error
- verbosity
Example usage of init()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const encrypt_secret_to_many = {
script: `keyring = ECDH.new()
secret = str(DATA)
keys = JSON.decode(KEYS)
keyring:private( base64(keys.keyring.secret) )
res = {}
for name,pubkey in pairs(keys.recipients) do
pub = base64(pubkey)
enc = ECDH.encrypt(keyring,pub,secret,keyring:public())
res[name] = str( MSG.pack( map(enc,base64) ) ):base64()
keys: {
keyring : {
public : "BHMjcDM/aljpi8pNxFQ436R6F3J+kaB/Xk1kAVFPmkoLVyeFltDZPgiIYRquh+m2IfvPioBfet7YCd5vVXYoRTk=",
secret : "ChW5qi5y//ISDIHKx5Fvxl+XY8IyDGVBHUfELp3PqJQ="
recipients : {
paulus : "BBUw6Nr3A30cN65maERvAk1cEv2Ji6Vs80kSlpodOC0SCtM8ucaS7e+s158uVMSr3BsvIXVspBeafiL8Qb3kcgc=",
mayo : "BHqBoQ2WJ3/FGVNTXzdIc+K/HzNx05bWzEhn8m58FvSsaqWVdH52jI6fQWdkdjnbqVKCJGmbjA/OCJ+IKHbiySI=",
mark : "BFgkjrRMvN+wkJ6qA4UvMaNlYBvl37C9cNYGkqOE4w43AUzkEzcyIIdE6BrgOEUEVefhOOnO6SCBQMgXHXJUUPY=",
francesca : "BCo102mVybieKMyhex8tnVtFM5+Wo1oP02k8JVwKF9OLIjw7w0LmofItbuAcfWl9rcoe++XLI3sySZnqljIfeyU=",
jim : "BEs1jeqL0nVwFi7OmG4YdtlWuKADyOvZR4XHpLAEswg8ONPXQHvwJ8+PkHkphoORfSjk2045bMdYkwboU4FdG2Y=",
jaromil : "BBZYJtHvFg0vGCxPROAWrThcGZ+vFZJj86k+uncjvbm4DysIg7cWS3J6GrcJKCY55Uf40m2KfBwfaT+T7TTO1e8="
data: 'This is a secret message.'
Returns object the zenroom module
Reset the setted options already provided and cleans up the zenroom module
It is usually the last method of the chain, but like the other methods returns the zenroom module itself, so can be used for other calls if you need to make more executions in a row
Example usage of reset()
// returns zenroom
import zenroom from 'zenroom'
// or without ES6 syntax
// const zenroom = require('zenroom').default
const script = 'print("hello")';
.zenroom_exec() // This runs the script
.zenroom_exec() // This does not run the script anymore
Returns object the zenroom module
Copyright (C) 2018 by Dyne.org foundation, Amsterdam
Designed, written and maintained by Puria Nafisi Azizi.
This project is receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nr. 732546 (DECODE).
Please first take a look at the Dyne.org - Contributor License Agreement then
- Create your feature branch
git checkout -b feature/branch
- Commit your changes
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
- Push to the branch
git push origin feature/branch
- Create a new Pull Request
- Thank you
Zenroomjs - a javascript wrapper of zenroom
Copyright (c) 2019 Dyne.org foundation, Amsterdam
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.