
Library that should make it easy to create an OpenId Connect Provider - possibly using Qiy

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


What is this?

Let's start by taking it's name apart (last to first)

  • lib: This is a library to be used in other (java/JVM) project
  • sdk: It's a Software Development Kit, i.e.: helping you to build your software
  • OP: The software you'll be building with this is an Openid connect Provider. More specifically we're aiming at http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html

How do I use it?

  • Include it as a Maven dependency (not yet(?) available publicly, so check the whole thing out and build locally)
  • nl.qiy.oic.op.api.AuthenticationResource is a JAX-RS endpoint where authorization requests will come in, so make sure that is known to your JAX-RS framework (e.g. Jersey, RestEasy)
  • Extension points are implemented in a ServiceLoader pattern, the interfaces to implement can be found in nl.qiy.oic.op.service.spi. Examples can be found in [op-sdk-spi-impl]