
A simple alias to make portals 🧙

Primary LanguageShell


A simple shell alias to make portals 🧙

Runescape tablet teleport animation

How it works?

It's a very simple alias that allows you to create alias for your current directory.

Several times we need to go from a different directory path to another as well as when you change the project that you are working, or needs to go working on a very deep directory path.

We make it easy to you with portalize.


Execute on your shell:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dapx/portalize/master/install.sh)"
. ~/.portals # Load portals after install, or you can simply start a new shell session.

How to create portals?

Create a portal is easy peasy:

cd project/directory
portalize aliasname

After that you can call the alias from any place:


And you will be teleported to there.

How to list portals

Call the portals alias and it will list all portals ordered by creation:


You can also compose with sort to list all portals ordered by name:

portals | sort

How to remove portals

Call the unportalize alias from any place passing the alias name that you want to remove:

unportalize aliasname

How to uninstall

Remove the portal alias file load command from your rc file:

printf "%s\n" "g/^\. ~\/\.portals$/d" w | ed -s ~/.$(basename $SHELL)rc

And if don't want to maintain your portals saved, you can simply remove the ~/.portals file:

rm ~/.portals