
Source code for ViaRE. Game inspired by complexity and chaos; emergence and self—organization; human history and evolution; and, briefly said: nature.

Primary LanguageDMIT LicenseMIT


Travis Codecov

ViaRE is a Real Emulator. (Yup, a recursive acronym)

Also, by the nature of ViaRE, and its deep relations with the concepts of "Origin" and "Beginning", we tought it nice to have a name inspired by them.

And the italian word avviare (to start, initiate, begin) fitted perfectly.

For now, we just avviamo the project, and we don't have any realease of it. In the future, ViARE will be a game with powerful emulation properties.

Because of it, this README will be only useful to developers who may want to get a working copy of the code.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Source code is in D, so make sure you install a D Compiler. We use DMD.

You can follow Linux, Windows, or OSX instructions to get it installed.

To make sure it's working, run

$ dmd --version
# DMD64 D Compiler vX.XXX.XX

To build, run, and test the source code, we use DUB.

To install it, follow these instructions.

To make sure it's working, run

$ dub --version
# DUB version Version: X.X.X-X

ViaRE is built using SDL2 and Open GL.

Doing a proper SDL2 installation for development on Windows can be tricky. This video could be useful.

To install SDL2 on Linux, follow official SDL instructions. We recommend to follow "The Unix Way", as it will avoid missing .so files.

Installing ViaRE

You'll need Git installed, to clone the repository*.

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/viare/viare

# Go into the repository
$ cd viare

# Run the app
$ dub run

If you don't want to install git, you can download it in zip, and unpack it.

Running the tests

Just use:

dub test

This will run every unittest inside sourcecode.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE.md file for details
