
Components of an automated ChIPseq and ATACseq pipeline

Primary LanguagePerl


Components of an automated ChIPseq and ATACseq pipeline

Downstream pipeline components available here: https://github.com/CBIIT/ChIP_seq

Calculating RNA Pol2 Traveling Ratio

added by Berkley E. Gryder, March 2020

Scripts and code protocol for calculating Pause Index (aka Traveling Raio) from Pol2 ChIP-seq data https://github.com/GryderArt/ChIPseqPipe/tree/master/TravelingRatio

Plotting TSS heat maps

added by Berkley E. Gryder, Janurary 2021

Scripts, code protocol and video tutorial for plotting ChIP-seq data around gene sets of interest https://github.com/GryderArt/ChIPseqPipe/tree/master/plotTSSheat