
Parse GTF/GFF, Fasta/Fastq file, convert gene annotation format and extract sequence

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

  1. use pyGTF.py as script to Convert of Gene annotation format

Usage: python pyGTF.py --input --infmt --output --outfmt

  • gtf2bed


  • refseq_gff2genePred


  • genePred2gtf


  1. use pyGTF.py as script to Extract Feature sequence

    Usage: python pyGTF --input --infmt --Genome --Feature --Sequence

    • Extract coding sequence

    • Extract untranslated region sequence

  2. use pyGTF.py as module

    • GTF_Reader

    • safe mode of GTF_Reader

    • Fasta_Reader