
A simple formatted file can drive gathering ad hoc lists of logs, execute commands or scripts and collect results from a bunch of hosts

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Role Name



This requires no installations, just bash and probably any shell would work.

In the case of clusters only accessible via jump hosts you will need to add ~/.ssh/config similar to that in files/ssh_config. For example, the private ips of vms in an openstack tenant/project with the cluster on a private network is not accessible directly. We set up an ansible_controller box on the private network (any cloudpipe or pivot vm would do as well). The ansible_controller gets a public ip that is directly accessible to admins and all vms in the private network can be accessed via jump host entries in .ssh/config. Jump hosts must have netcat (package name nc) installed

    yum install nc
    apt-get install nc


ansible-galaxy install kesten.ad_hoc_logs_and_diagnostics

Use Cases

There are lots of great log aggregators and visualizers. However, we often find the need to work with 3rd party contractors where systems are under lock-down. The primary motivation was for receiving ad hoc requests from a party without access to our hosts to gather logs, execute commands and run scrips on one several machines. Often, we would share a tarball of the logs and command stdouts. Some trouble-shooting sessions lasted several hours a day for a week. More details in files/openstack_diagnose_ips.yml.

Role Variables

logging_home: "/tmp/ansible/log_gathering"
mail_server: exchange.mycompany.com

load files from load_folder in format

        issue: "issue_number",
        email_from: me@example.com,
        email: minion1@example.com,boss1@example.com
        - hostname: host_or_group_1,
            - /etc/nova
            - /var/log/quantum
            - /etc/init.d/rsyslog
            - service quantum-dhcp-agent status
        # in addition, scripts in the role's folder can be
        # executed on the remote hosts and results gathered 
            - script1
            - script2

        - hostname: host_or_group_2,
          paths: { "..." },
          commands: { "..."},
          scripts: { "..."}

Scripts go in templates When executed it creates a tarball in logging_home called {issue}_{log_time}.tar.gz
Optionally, attach the tarball to email and send to recipients.



Example Playbook

A proper example playbook is found in playbooks/gather_diagnostics.yml

ansible-playbook -i hosts gather_logs.yml 
                             -e "log_time=march18" 
                             -e "requests_file='formatted request in files folder'" 

Where gather_logs.yml contains

- hosts: servers
     - { role: kesten.ad_hoc_logs_and_diagnostics, 
               log_time: march18, 
               send_email: yes    }



Author Information

Kesten Broughton kesten.broughton@gmail.com


I expect that the commands will break with any kind of fancy quoting or shell expansion. Just put it into a script to workaround that.


Often the log files will be in the gigabytes.

    add checking that the local disk has space for gathering everything
    add the ability to attach large files via google drive or dropbox for emailing

Files are transferred by rsync so they should be compressed, however, they are expanded and then compressed again to create a tarball on the ansible_controller

     add the ability to stream into a tar archive on the ansible_controller
     add the option for different compression schemes and encryption

Commands are flattened by

name: Execute commands and capture stdout
   shell: "chdir={{_ansible_ad_hoc_logs}} {{item.1}} > commands/results/cmd_{{item.1 | replace(' ','_') | replace('/','_') | replace('|','_pipe_')}}"

I'm just adding replacements as problems come up. Should do a robust check for any characters not allowed in filenames and replace them.

Someitmes sensitive data should be removed. Allow for a grep/sed to redact user specified strings and other obfuscation strategies.