
Rasa chatbot to help students in UFPEL's Computer courses.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Aryabot Chatbot 🐺 💬

Preparing the setup:

  • First you need to install Anaconda software
  • Then create a new environment with python version 3.8
  • So you activate this environment. And then run the command: pip3 install rasa
  • Now you have a environment with Rasa ready to run the chatbot just missing install the libraries


  • BeautifulSoup -> conda install bs4
  • Pandas -> conda install pandas
  • Selenium -> conda install selenium
  • Schedule -> conda install -c conda-forge schedule
  • Unidecode -> conda install unidecode

Now you need to clone this project, enter the project folder and follow the next steps

To build the dataset that will be used by AryaBot:

  • You need to run: python scraping.py This command will run the webscraping module and create an xlsx file with the dataset

Obs: For that you need to install the webdriver compatible with your browser version. If using Chrome look for: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads

Some intents use actions to bring up-to-date information

  • To use them you need to start a separate server, using the same environment but with: run rasa actions command.

Running the chatbot server:

  • First you need to train your rasa model
  • For that use: rasa train command
  • After that you can talk with the chatbot with the command: rasa shell

The Complete Flowchart

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