
:earth_americas: View Country Data via a 3D, D3, Globe :earth_africa:

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Spin's the name, and rocking round the globe's the game!

This package was mostly an excuse to sync up some #rstats, GIS, and D3 tricks.

I really wanted to name this package spintheglobe in homage to National Geographic's Really Wild Animals docs, but the internet has a severe deficit of Spin content.


quickglobe is not on CRAN, but uou can install the development version from GitHub via:


Spinning the Globe

quickglobe renders an interactive, 3D globe. It will attempt to match a country 'identifier' (e.g. name, iso code) within the function, so there's no need to worry about geometry or other spatial concerns. Your identifier strings, however, have to be relatively clean.


gapminder %>% 
  filter(year == 2002) %>%
  quickglobe(country, gdpPercap, title = "GDP Per Capita")

Styling the Globe

Use different palettes, adjust the title font family, choose the number of legend cells, and format the legend ticks in qg_style