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Basic optimistic concurrency implemented on top of the MongoRepository project.

The repository will add an _accessId property to your entity in Mongo DB, and will throw a MongoConcurrencyException if optimistic concurrency is violated.


Inherit from ConcurrentEntity on your entity class. For example:

namespace MongoRepository.OptimisticConcurrency.Tests.Entities
    [CollectionName("Books")] // This must be set at the moment, or end up with a ConcurrentEntity collection name in Mongo
    public class Book : ConcurrentEntity
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string AuthorName { get; set; }

Inherit from ConcurrentMongoRepository on your repository class. For example:

namespace MongoRepository.OptimisticConcurrency.Tests.Repositories
    using MongoDB.Driver;

    using MongoRepository.OptimisticConcurrency.Tests.Entities;

    public class BookRepository : ConcurrentMongoRepository<Book>
        public BookRepository(MongoUrl url)
            : base()

Use your repo and entity as before:

var bookRepository = new BookRepository(new MongoUrl(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MongoServerSettings"].ConnectionString));
var book = this.bookRepository.Add(Books.JungleBook);


  • Collection name must be explicitly specified in the Entity (see tests).
  • Does not do concurrency check on delete.