
Julia package for learning cellular sheaf Laplacians

Primary LanguageJulia


This is a Julia package containing routines for solving the optimization problems in [1] for learning sheaf Laplacians and matrix-weighted graph Laplacians from smooth signals. It also has the ability to compute projections onto the cone of sheaf Laplacians.

The package is currently largely untested and no guarantees are made regarding its abilities or performance.


SheafLearning.jl is not currently in the General registry. To install it, run the following in the Julia REPL:

using Pkg


Import SheafLearning.jl as usual. The main functions are recover_sheaf_Laplacian, recover_mw_Laplacian, and project_to_sheaf_Laplacian.

The two sheaf recovery functions minimize the objective

tr(LM) - alpha * Σ_v log(tr(L_vv)) + beta * ||offdiag(L)||_F

where L is restricted to the cone of sheaf Laplacians and the cone of matrix-weighted graph Laplacians, respectively. The structure of the Laplacian is restricted by the assumption that the graph has Nv vertices and that vertex stalks are dv-dimensional. (dv may also be an array of integers of length Nv, giving the dimension of each stalk) M here is the matrix of the outer products of the smooth signals: if columns of X are the signals, we have M = XX^T. This can also be seen (assuming mean-centered data) as a data covariance matrix.

The signatures are


The functions return tuples (Le,obj) and (We,obj), respectively, where Le is a 3-dimensional array whose slices are edge contribution matrices of dimension 2dv by 2dv, We is an array whose slices are edge weight matrices of dimension dv by dv, and obj is the objective function value at the minimizer. To convert these arrays into actual Laplacians, use the functions


There are three backends for these two functions: the conic solvers SCS ("scs") and Mosek ("mosek"), and a hand-written direct solver ("direct", not recommended). The direct backend will likely be removed in the future.

Mosek is a commercial package, but has free academic licenses available, while SCS is open source. The Mosek solver is currently by far the fastes and most robust.

The function project_to_sheaf_Laplacian minimizes

||L - M||_F^2

for L in the cone of sheaf Laplacians over graphs with Nv vertices and dv-dimensional vertex stalks. The signature is


This problem is translated to a conic program and solved using either SCS or Mosek.

More information about the functions can be found using Julia's built-in help. Type ?[function_name] into the REPL.


Feel free to contact me at jakob at jakobhansen.org with questions or suggestions. More resources on cellular sheaves and their Laplacians are available at jakobhansen.org.

[1] Hansen, Jakob and Ghrist, Robert. Learning Sheaf Laplacians from Smooth Signals. Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2019.