
JavaScript library used to interact with Mii data from the Wii U and 3DS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Mii JS

A JavaScript library used to interact with Mii data from the Wii U and 3DS


new Mii(buffer);

Instantiate a new Mii instance. Takes in a Buffer of Mii data


const mii = new Mii(Buffer.from(miiData, 'base64'));
// ...

Updating Mii data

All Mii data is stored as properties on the Mii class. To update a Mii's data simply assign it a new value in the respective property.


mii.height = 10;
mii.wrinklesType = 1;
// etc


Name Type Min Max Description
version Number 0 if Mii was made with the camera scan feature, otherwise 3
allowCopying Boolean Should Mii be allowed to be copied by non-owners
profanityFlag Boolean Does the Mii name or creator name contain profanity. If true, Mii will render with nickname and creator name as "???"
regionLock Number 0 3 QR code region lock ID. 0=region free, 1=JPN, 2=USA, 3=PAL/AUS
characterSet Number 0 3 Character font region. 0=USA/PAL/AUS/JPN, 1=CHN, 2=KOR, 3=TWN
pageIndex Number 0 9 Page number for 3DS Mii Maker
slotIndex Number 0 9 Slot number for 3DS Mii Maker
deviceOrigin Number 1 4 Device the Mii was creatd on. 1=Wii, 2=DS, 3=3DS, 4=WiiU/Switch
systemId Buffer Console-unique ID
normalMii Boolean Determines if a Mii is special (gold pants) or not. true means not special (Mii is "normal")
dsMii Boolean Mii was originally made on a DS/DSi system (mii.deviceOrigin=2)
nonUserMii Boolean Mii was generated during run time and is only stored in memory (temporary Mii) or the Mii was made for the system/games by developers
isValid Boolean Denotes if a Mii is valid or not (setting this to false will flag the Mii as invalid in Mii Maker)
creationTime Number 0 268435456 Creation time in seconds since 01/01/2010 00:00:00, halved (multiply this number by 2 and add it to start date to get the real creation date). This number is stored as a 28 bit integer, hence the 268435456 max
consoleMAC Buffer Console MAC address
gender Number 0 1 0=boy, 1=girl
birthMonth Number 0 12 Month the Mii was born on. 0 denotes no birthday set
birthDay Number 0 31 Day of the month the Mii was born on. 0 denotes no birthday set
favoriteColor Number 0 11 Determines shirt colors
favorite Boolean Favorite Mii (red pants)
miiName String UTF16 Mii name. Up to 10 characters allowed
height Number 0 127 Mii height
build Number 0 127 Mii body build
disableSharing Boolean Mii has StreetPass sharing disabled
faceType Number 0 11 Shape of the head/face
skinColor Number 0 8 Color of skin
wrinklesType Number 0 11 Type of wrinkles. 0 denotes no wrinkles
makeupType Number 0 11 Type of makeup. 0 denotes no makeup
hairType Number 0 131 Hair style. Values 34 and 57 are hats
hairColor Number 0 7 Color of hair
flipHair Boolean Should the hair be mirrored
eyeType Number 0 59 Eye style
eyeColor Number 0 5 Color of eyes
eyeScale Number 0 7 How big the eyes are
eyeVerticalStretch Number 0 6 How much the eyes are stretched in the Y direction
eyeRotation Number 0 7 Eye rotation
eyeSpacing Number 0 12 Distance between the eyes
eyeYPosition Number 0 18 Eyes Y position
eyebrowType Number 0 24 eyebrow style
eyebrowColor Number 0 7 Color of eyebrows
eyebrowScale Number 0 8 How big the eyebrows are
eyebrowVerticalStretch Number 0 6 How much the eyebrows are stretched in the Y direction
eyebrowRotation Number 0 11 eyebrow rotation
eyebrowSpacing Number 0 12 Distance between the eyebrows
eyebrowYPosition Number 3 18 eyebrows Y position
noseType Number 0 17 Nose typw
noseScale Number 0 8 How big the nose is
noseYPosition Number 0 18 Nose Y position
mouthType Number 0 35 Mouth/lip type
mouthColor Number 0 4 Color of lips
mouthScale Number 0 8 How big the mouth is
mouthHorizontalStretch Number 0 6 How much the mouth is stretched in the Y direction
mouthYPosition Number 0 18 Mouth Y position
mustacheType Number 0 5 Mustache type. 0 denotes no mustache
beardType Number 0 5 Beard type. 0 denotes no beard
facialHairColor Number 0 7 Color of the mustache and beard
mustacheScale Number 0 8 How big the mustache is
mustacheYPosition Number 0 16 Mustache Y position
glassesType Number 0 8 Glasses type
glassesColor Number 0 5 Glasses frame/lens color
glassesScale Number 0 7 How big the glasses are
glassesYPosition Number 0 20 Glasses Y position
moleEnabled Boolean Denotes if the mole shows
moleScale Number 0 8 How big the mole is
moleXPosition Number 0 16 Mole X position
moleYPosition Number 0 30 Mole Y position
creatorName String UTF16 creator name. Up to 10 characters allowed

Notes and special cases

There are special cases where sometimes some data affects the validity of other data in the Mii. these cases will be noted here

  • If mii.normalMii is set to false (Mii is special), then mii.deviceOrigin determines the minimum device type the Mii QR code can be scanned on. For example, a Mii with mii.normalMii to to false and mii.deviceOrigin set to 3 can be scanned on a 3DS, WiiU and Switch. But if the mii.deviceOrigin is set to 4, the Mii cannot be scanned on a 3DS. Setting this value to 4 essentially locks the Mii to the WiiU though this is not intended usage
  • If mii.nonUserMii is set to true then mii.creationTime must be set to 0 and mii.normalMii, mii.dsMii, and mii.isValid must all be set to false
  • If mii.normalMii is set to false (Mii is special), then mii.disableSharing must be set to true (all special Mii's have sharing disabled)
  • According to HEYimHeroic if mii.dsMii is true, then mii.isValid must be false. However in my testing, all Mii's created on the Wii U have both mii.dsMii and mii.isValid set to true. Therefore this check is not performed here, and this case is being looked into
  • It appears that if a Mii has mii.deviceOrigin set to 1 (Wii), then mii.isValid is set to false. This has not been confirmed, however

Clothes colors

  • 0 = red
  • 1 = orange
  • 2 = yellow
  • 3 = light green
  • 4 = dark green
  • 5 = blue
  • 6 = light blue
  • 7 = pink
  • 8 = purple
  • 9 = brown
  • 10 = white
  • 11 = black


Encodes a Mii's data as a Wii U/3DS format Mii. Returns a Buffer


const encoded = mii.encode();


Encodes a Mii's data as a Mii Studio format Mii. Returns a Buffer


const encoded = mii.encodeStudio();


Encodes a Mii's data as a Mii Studio format Mii and returns it's render URL. See Render options for more information


const url = mii.studioUrl({
	width: 512,
	type: 'all_body'


Returns the Mii's individual body asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Returns the Mii's individual head asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Alias of mii.studioAssetUrlHead();




Returns the Mii's individual Eye asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Returns the Mii's individual Eyebrow asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Returns the Mii's individual Nose asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Returns the Mii's individual Mouth asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Returns the Mii's individual Hair asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Returns the Mii's individual Beard asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Returns the Mii's individual Mustache asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Returns the Mii's individual Glasses asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Returns the Mii's individual Mole asset URL as used on Mii Studio




Decodes a Mii's data and populates it's fields. Used internally, does not need to be called manually


Validates a Mii's data and throws an error if invalid data is found. Used internally, does not need to be called manually


Calculates the Mii's individual asset URL based on the provided asset path. Used internally, does not need to be called manually


Calculates a Mii's CRC checksum. Used internally, does not need to be called manually

Render options

Mii Studio accepts various render options. These options are passed as an object to mii.studioUrl(renderOptions). If a value is not passed or is deemed invalid, the library will instead use a default value


Render type

Default: face

Value Description
face Renders the head and shoulders of the Mii
face_only Renders only the head of the Mii
all_body Renders entire body of the Mii


Mii expression

Default: normal

Value Description
normal Do not change expression
smile Changes eyes to closed in a happy expression
anger Changes eyes to a scowl and mouth to a frown
sorrow Changes eyes and eyebrows to a sad expressiona and mouth to small frown
surprise Changes eyes to wide eyed
blink Changes eyes to flat closed
normal_open_mouth Same as normal but with an open mouth
smile_open_mouth Same as smile but with an open mouth
anger_open_mouth Same as anger but with an open mouth
surprise_open_mouth Same as surprise but with an open mouth
sorrow_open_mouth Same as sorrow but with an open mouth
blink_open_mouth Same as blink but with an open mouth
wink_left Same as normal but with left eye changed to wink
wink_right Same as normal but with right eye changed to wink
wink_left_open_mouth Same as normal_open_mouth but with left eye changed to wink
wink_right_open_mouth Same as normal_open_mouth but with right eye changed to wink
like_wink_left Seemingly the same as wink_left?
like_wink_right Seemingly the same as wink_right?
frustrated Changes both eyes to wink eyes and mouth to sorrow mouth


Image width (height cannot be changed)

Default: 96

Min Max
0 512


Background color. Must be uppercase HEX encoded RGBA

Default: FFFFFF00


Color of the Mii's clothes. Overrides the color in the Mii data

Default: default

Value Description
default Do not change color
red Changes clothes color to red
orange Changes clothes color to orange
yellow Changes clothes color to yellow
yellowgreen Changes clothes color to light green
green Changes clothes color to dakr green
blue Changes clothes color to dark blue
skyblue Changes clothes color to light blue
pink Changes clothes color to pink
purple Changes clothes color to purple
brown Changes clothes color to brown
white Changes clothes color to white
black Changes clothes color to black


Rotate the camera in the X axis

Default: 0

Min Max
0 359


Rotate the camera in the Y axis

Default: 0

Min Max
0 359


Rotate the camera in the Z axis

Default: 0

Min Max
0 359


Rotate the character model in the X axis

Default: 0

Min Max
0 359


Rotate the character model in the Y axis

Default: 0

Min Max
0 359


Rotate the character model in the Z axis

Default: 0

Min Max
0 359


Rotate the light source position/direction in the X axis

Default: 0

Min Max
0 359


Rotate the light source position/direction in the Y axis

Default: 359

Min Max
0 359


Rotate the light source position/direction in the Z axis

Default: 359

Min Max
0 359


Changes the light direction mode

Default: none

Value Description
none Unknown change?
zerox Unknown change?
flipx Unknown change?
camera Unknown change?
offset Unknown change?
set Unknown change?


How many renders are returned.

After the first render the following renders are rotated depending on the number of instances from 0 degrees to 180 degrees

Default: 1

Min Max
1 16


Changes the rotation mode for each render following the first

Default: model

Value Description
model Sets rotation mode to rotate model
camera Sets rotation mode to rotate camera
both Seen in the wild but causes a broken image?


Error on invalid Mii data

mii.hairColor = 9999;

const encoded = mii.encode(); // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Invalid Mii hair color. Got 9999, expected 0-7

Encode as Mii Studio Mii

const encoded = mii.encodeStudio();


Get Mii Studio render URL (default)

const studioUrl = mii.studioUrl();


Get Mii Studio render URL (render options)

const studioUrl = mii.studioUrl({
	width: 512,
	bgColor: '131733FF'
