
Amazon Product Advertising API Wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AMZ Products

This module is a thin wrapper around the Amazon Products API. Unlike other modules, which only support one or two methods, this wrapper supports all the methods of the API.

The module is intentionally naive. It acts as a simple wrapper, allowing you to pass any valid options to the methods and returns the root response object from Amazon. I kept it this way, so you'll have the maximum flexibility in how you deal with responses.

Oh, and it returns JSON, not XML.


npm install amz-products


Each method takes an options hash as the first argument, and a callback as the second, which takes error and response arguments.

var AmazonAPI = require('amz-products');

var amazon = new AmazonAPI({
  accessKeyId     : //your access key,
  secretAccessKey : //your secret access key,
  associateId     : //your associate ID

  BrowseNode: 1234566
}, function(err, res){
  //do something with the response here


All methods in the Amazon Products API have been mapped to this wrapper, but, I've renamed them slightly, since I think Amazon's naming sucks. Here's how things map:

Amazon API Method Our Method
BrowseNodeLookup lookupBrowseNode
ItemSearch getItemsInBrowseNode
ItemLookup getItemDetail
CartAdd addToCart
CartClear clearCart
CartCreate createCart
CartGet getCart
CartModify modifyCart
SimilarityLookup getSimilarItems

All methods take the same options as the Amazon API, in a single opts hash passed as the first argument in the method. Refer to the Amazon Products API Documentation for details on the options you can pass.

Why Another Amazon Products API Module?

Frankly, all the ones I've come across on npm suck. Either they don't support all the methods, or they provide an arcane interface to the API. I'm passionate about developer experience, and want an API wrapper that makes sense, is fully featured, and is dead simple to use.

What Else?

Not much, really. If you've got ideas or suggestions for improving, create an issue or simply issue a pull request.