
Mart is an online web ecommerce application that performs all the function of an ecommerce application using the latest security feautures with the combination of both the Angular(front-end) and Spring-boot( back-end)

Primary LanguageJava

Mart - E-commerce Application

Mart is a comprehensive E-commerce application developed with Angular (front-end) and Spring Boot (back-end). This project serves as an exemplary E-commerce platform, enabling users to explore products, manage their shopping carts, and securely complete purchases.

Live Demo: Mart Website

Table of Contents

Project Overview

Mart combines Angular for the front-end and Spring Boot for the back-end to deliver a robust E-commerce platform. With features such as user registration and login, product browsing, cart management, secure payment processing, and JWT-based security, this project provides a complete shopping experience.

Project Structure

The project is organized into two primary folders within the repository:

  1. Angular: Contains the Angular front-end code for the project.
  2. Spring Boot: Contains the Spring Boot back-end code for the project.

Technologies Used

  • Back-end: Utilizes Spring Boot, Spring Data, and Spring Security for seamless backend operations. JPA/Hibernate is used for Object-Relational Mapping, while MySQL stores data. JUnit is employed for testing.
  • Front-end: Developed using TypeScript and Angular, enhanced with Tailwind CSS and SCSS for a visually appealing user interface.
  • Security: Implements JWT (JSON Web Token) and Spring Security to protect user data.
  • API: Facilitates communication between the front-end and back-end through RESTful APIs.
  • Build Tools: The project is built using Maven (for the server) and npm/yarn (for the client).

Key Features

Mart offers a range of essential E-commerce features, including:

  • User Registration and Login: Seamless user onboarding and login process.
  • Product Browsing and Searching: Easily find and filter products.
  • Shopping Cart Management: Add, remove, and manage items in your cart.
  • Secure Payment Processing: Safely complete transactions with a secure payment gateway.
  • JWT-based Security: Protects user data through JSON Web Tokens and Spring Security.


To set up and run the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

  2. Navigate to the Angular folder:

  3. Install the Angular CLI:

  4. Install project dependencies:

  5. Start the Angular development server:

  6. Open a new terminal window/tab and navigate to the Spring Boot folder:

  7. Install project dependencies:

  8. Start the Spring Boot server:

  9. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200 to view the application.

Note: Node.js and Java need to be installed on your machine to run this project.


Contributions to the Mart project are highly encouraged! If you discover a bug or have ideas for new features, please open an issue on the project's GitHub repository.


Explore the Mart E-commerce Application:

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