
A book store based on Google Books API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book Store Resultados Digitais

Your digital bookshelf on the web

  1. About
  2. Usage
  3. Project Structure
  4. Browser Compatibility
  5. Automated Tests


This is an open source project that aims facilitate the search of books by people on Google Books API. Basically, this app gives the user a custom experience which it is possible to search, read and bookmark his books.


Anyone can clone this repo and collaborate to either improve the actual features or create new ones. In order to develop this project, you will the following requirements.

  1. clone this repo, or fork it.
  2. Make sure you have both NodeJS and npm installed.
  3. In a terminal, in the project root directory, run npm install.
  4. After install the dependencies, run npm run watch.
  5. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5000/

You will see the Book Store Home page. Now, you can open your editor and start coding. Every time you save some file, eslint will check your code. If all its right, the browser will reload the page.

Project Structure

This project is built up with front end technologies such as NodeJS and React. For development uses Eslint code checker and Webpack task runner. The application architecture pattern chosen was Redux, which is a Unidirectional Data Flow pattern. For automated tests, not implemented yet, the project will use Jest altogether with Airbnb enzyme, a test utility for React applications. This application works with Continuous Integration on Heroku, which is automatically deployed every time a new merge is made on master branch. You can check this app on https://rd-book-store.herokuapp.com/#/.

Browser Compatibility

This release version (1.0.0) uses Flexible Box Layout, which is compatible with Firefox 51, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Chrome 55 and modern mobile browsers. The next stable version should brings flex box fallback for old browsers, and a responsive version for small screens.

Automated Tests

Automated tests comming soon with Jest and Airbnb enzyme on next minor release.