
A module for a bot trading the virtual currency.

Primary LanguagePython

A module for a bot trading the virtual currency

Tested on Python 2.7.12
Very thanks to s4w3d0ff and python-poloniex


  • predictionprice module is a set of tools for making a bot that trade virtual currency automatically according to the prediction with the machine learning.
  • You can do mainly the followings by using this module.
    • To get the price of virtual currency from Poloniex.com
    • Prediction if the tomorrow's virtual currency price rise or fall by machine learning decision tree algorithm using the scikit-learn.
    • Implementation of the back test.
    • Optimization of the number of the features and training samples.
      • The features are represented with the sequencial past prices.
      • The training sample is a set of the features.
    • Implementation of the market trade with accessing to Poloniex.com in accordance with the predicted buying and selling signs.
    • Function to inform the results of the prediction and the trading by e-mail.



git clone https://github.com/darden1/python-predictionprice.git
cd python-predictionprice
python setup.py install


pip uninstall predictionprice


  • Examples of auto trading bot have already prepared.
  • The bot executes followings one time a day.
    • Back test.
    • Prediction the virtual currency tomorrow price will rise or fall.
    • Trading with market price in accordance with the prediction.
    • Optimization of the number of the features and training samples.(Optimized learning parameters are used for next day prediction)
    • Sending e-mail to inform the results of the execution.
  • Bots are in examples folder.
    • examples/exchangetrade/exchangetradebot.py is for exchange trade.
    • examples/margintrade/margintradebot.py is for margin trade.
      • Remark to transfer fund to margin account when you use margintradebot.py.
  • Open exchangetradebot.py or margintradebot.py and set your gmail address, password, poloniex.com APIKey and Secret.
  • Run this script with nohup as following.
nohup python exchangetradebot.py > out.log 2> err.log &
nohup python margintradebot.py > out.log 2> err.log &
  • You can check the process ID as following when you want to kill the process.
ps auxw | grep python
  • You can change the combination of the currency pair you want to trade with coins and basicCoin.


  • It is not absolutely guaranteed to increase your assets by using this bot.
  • I hope if this could help you to create a much better one than this bot. (I would be very happy if you would tell me the new algorithm of the bot when you could achieve it.)