
Checks if commit message matches the chaos-hub commit rules

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This hook is made as a custom plugin under the pre-commit hook framework and checks if commit message matches the chaos-hub team commit rules.


pip install commit-msg-hook

Using commit-msg-hook with pre-commit

For more details see: pre-commit

Install pre-commit package manager

pip install pre-commit

Create a file .pre-commit-config.yaml in the root folder with the following configuration

- repo: https://github.com/dimaka-wix/commit-msg-hook.git
  rev: v0.3.4
    - id: commit-msg-hook
      stages: [commit-msg]

To enable commit-msg hook with pre-commit run:

pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

Update to the latest release (optional)

pre-commit autoupdate --repo https://github.com/dimaka-wix/commit-msg-hook.git

Commit Rules

  • Write up to 72 characters(preventing ellipsis in git)
  • Capitalize the subject line
  • Use the imperative mood(e.g. Add instead of Added, Adds or Adding)
  • Do not end the lines with any punctuation character
  • Use the description to explain what and why vs how
  • In case of multiline message do the following:
    • Press Shift+Enter to create a new line and to write more characters then vscode lets you
    • Separate subject line from message body with a blank line
    • Follow the rules above when writing each line of the message


Refactor foo function in x file from y component

* Remove duplications
* Add docstrings
* Update the types of arguments

Bypass the hook in one of the following ways

  • SKIP=commit-msg-hook git commit -m "Your message"
  • git commit -m "Your message" --no-verify
  • git commit -m "Your message" -n (not recommended)