
Expense Management Web-App using firebase

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Expense Management Web-App using firebase

This is expense management webapp for the construction firm:

Click on the link below to open the web-app:

Espense management web-app...


emails: employee@gmail.com
password: password
**Only admins can add users for the private firms so, no registration option.

About the web-app:

In the medium scale firms, multiple types of expenses exist and employee expense management is one of the key solutions for it. To solve this problem, we designedthis web-app for such firms. We are implementing it for the construction firm. New technological advancements are coming into the market daily, and to get acquainted with firebase cloud firestore, we choose this project. Firebase database is used for this web-app.


When it comes to expense management in this technologically developed world, apps and web-apps are used on high scale in the companies.
So we thought if we could build such a solution for any firm/company, it can.
Because of the easy availability and accessibility of the Internet, the World Wide Web (WWW) is becoming one of the cheap and easy platform for use.
Most of the construction companies have their construction sites at various locations, and their employees working for the sites.
When employees pay the money for material, travelling, personal, food etc. then they have difficulty in keeping track of their daily expenses.
This system is very useful since various companies are spreading everywhere so it is beneficial to keep track of expenses by employees.


Online Expense Tracker System is a system which will keep track of expenses of employees in construction companies.
This System take input expense and type from employee and add it to the database.
Online expense tracking System will show the history of daily expenses.
In this era various construction companies need this types of online expense tracker system which helps the owner to take action by keeping an eye on expenses.
In this project we are going to implement real time system that will keep track of expense of employee.
These web-app help the company to move forward quickly, fulfill their vision and accomplish their goals, E-way.
Nowadays, keep track of expenses is a need of every owner because of increasing frauds in the constructions.
It needs to be checked by owner.
Online expense tracker system is to fulfill the needs of owner/manager.
Owner need a system which will keep track of their daily expenses.
So owner can analyses the expenses of different types of constructions and take corrective actions on it.
System will help the owner to notify about their expenses. So further actions will be taken.
There are various online tracker projects available in the market, but we analysis the requirements of owner and designed a feasible system for that.
We designed a system where employees inthe company can add their entries about daily expenses in vouchers. So manager can see all details about construction types and he can verify their uploaded details.
So it can be added in voucher history. This is a brief introduction about our project.


● To design web-app.
● To solve problem of daily expense tracking.
● To provide easy, secure, time efficient and user friendly application for company owner, and employees related with Kiran Construction and Trading Company.

Project Report is uploaded for the system architecture reference.
For any queries please contact: sanket.tambare@protonmail.com