
Playing around with the Lunchmoney API

Primary LanguagePython


Due to Mint.com closing, I transition to Lunchmoney.app for tracking my spending and managing budgets. One feature I missed from Mint was the chart which showed how I was tracking compared to the previous month. As Lunchmoney has shared an API, I created my own script to generate a similar chart.


Create a file called .env in the root folder of this project. The variables included should be:


You can get an API key from lunchmoney.

Installing dependencies

It’s typically recommended to use virtual environments when working with specific applications, so:

  1. python3 -m venv .venv // create virtual environment for this directory
  2. source .venv/bin/activate // activate it
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt // install requirements

All dependencies will be installed for the project; proceed.

Running the code

You can run the code using;

$ python comparison.py


The final graph looks like this -- not pretty but has all the information needed. 2024-03-06-cumulative_spending_comparison

  • Need to align the days of the month better, currently the x-axis are the dates from the previous month. This causes slight visualization issue when months have different dates (e.g. Feb & Mar)