Contents of this repository

This repository contains my solution for the course project "Getting and Cleaning Data".

It contains the following files and folders:

  • (this document)
  • (a description of the variables, the data, and any transformations or work that I performed to clean up the data)
  • UCI HAR Dataset/ (a folder containing the original dataset, the raw data)
  • run_analysis.R (a script to produce the tidy data from the raw data)
  • uci_har_dataset.txt (a tidy version of the raw data as described in the codebook)
  • uci_har_dataset_averages.txt (a tidy version of the raw data as described in the codebook, each variable averaged for each activity and each subject)

A note on running the script

The script run_analysis.R is meant to be run with the working directory set to the root of this repository (the same folder that this file is located).

Use the setwd() command to change to this directory if needed.

The script depends on the package dplyr.

Running the script will read in the raw data and (re)produce the two files:

  • uci_har_dataset.txt
  • uci_har_dataset_averages.txt

Check the for more information on the contents of these files.

A note on the raw dataset

The folder UCI HAR Dataset/ contains the raw data used by the script run_analysis.R. It was originally downloaded from here:

I unzipped it into the folder, but otherwise did not touch the data.

The data represents data collected from the accelerometers from the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone. A full description is available at the site where the data was obtained:

The data includes documentation that is necessary to understand the modifications made while tidying it up.