A simple math expression evaluator written in Go using Shunting Yard and Reverse Polish.
To install:
go get github.com/darenliang/gomatheval
Evaluating expressions
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(gomatheval.EvalExpression(fmt.Sprintf("-(3+(sin(%v/2))^2)/4", math.Pi)))
// outputs 1
Command-Line Application
package main
import (
func main() {
optionPtr := flag.String("op", "e", "Select processing option.\n" +
"e: Evaluate expression\n" +
"p: Process to Reverse Polish Notation\n" +
"t: Tokenize expression\n")
expressionPtr := flag.String("exp", "", "Expression string to be processed")
switch *optionPtr {
case "t":
case "p":
- Basic operators such as
+ (addition)
,- (subtraction)
,* (multiplication)
,/ (division)
,% (modulo)
,^ (power)
. - 64-bit floating point operations.
- Basic functions such as
sin (sine)
,cos (cosine)
,tan (tangent)
,ln (natural logarithm)
,lg (base 2 logarithm)
,log (logarithm with variable base)
. More operators coming soon... - Unary operators for positive and negative numbers. Includes proper handling of unary precedence operations.
Every expression is composed of three kinds of tokens:
- Operands
- Operators/Functions
- Parentheses
By tokenizing an expression, we can get the individual elements that make up the expression:
=> - ( 3 + ( sin ( 3.141592653589793 / 2 ) ) ^ 2 ) / 4
The tokenized expression is then sanitized and unary operators are converted to unique operators.
- ( 3 + ( sin ( 3.141592653589793 / 2 ) ) ^ 2 ) / 4
=> -u ( 3 + ( sin ( 3.141592653589793 / 2 ) ) ^ 2 ) / 4
By using the Shunting Yard Algorithm we can convert this infix notation into postfix notation (also known as Reverse Polish notation).
-u ( 3 + ( sin ( 3.141592653589793 / 2 ) ) ^ 2 ) / 4
=> 3 3.141592653589793 2 / sin 2 ^ + -u 4 /
By evaluating the postfix notation tokens, we can obtain a final value.
3 3.141592653589793 2 / sin 2 ^ + -u 4 /
=> -1