
Calculate and detail shortest ISS handrail paths using Dijkstra's algorithm.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Project Overview

Using Dijkstra's algorithm, find the most efficient path of handrails along the exterior of the ISS when navigating from Point A to Point B. A 3D Model of the ISS is used to select, configure, and highlight calculated path. Astronaut wingspan, additional intermediate points, and hazards should be taken into consideration when calculating the optimal path(s).

Phase 1 (Fall 2017)

Phase 1 Repository README.md details Linux installation instructions.

Repository: https://github.com/lovetostrike/nasa-path-finder
Demo: https://lovetostrike.github.io/nasa-path-finder/demo.html
Site: https://lovetostrike.github.io/nasa-path-finder/

Phase 2 (Spring 2018)

Phase 2 Repository complete Release Notes listed below.

Repository: https://github.com/xpaddict/nasa-path-finder
User Manual Documentation: /docs/User_Manual.docx
Lessons Learned: /docs/Lessons_Learned.doc



Jest: Test Execution
Node.js: Package Management
React.js: UI Rendering Library
Three.js: 3D Rendering
Webpack: Module Management
Yarn: Package Management


AJAX: Asynchronous Algorithm Display
Java: Software Platform

Supplemental Tools

CircleCI: Continuous Integration
Docker: Web Building and Packaging
Eletron: Build Management
GitHub: Code Repository

Installation and Configuration

Dependency Installation

Install Node.js https://nodejs.org/en/
Install Yarn https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install
Install/Update Java 8 https://www.java.com/en/download/
Install Maven (Apache Maven Project) https://maven.apache.org/
Install Python https://www.python.org/downloads/
Install Visual Studio https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/ (Free community version available)


  1. Environment Variables: Add or Update Windows Environment Paths to include the following...

    • JAVA_HOME - Set to Java 8 JDK installation folder
    • M2_HOME - Set to location of Maven installation folder
    • MAVEN_HOME - Set to location of Maven installation folder
    • Path - Include new path record "%M2_HOME%\bin"
  2. Yarn Dependencies
    Using command line, download all yarn dependencies by navigating to the root of the project executing:
    This step may take several minutes.


NASA Path Finder now supports both Linux and Windows execution, the commands to compile and start the application are slightly different


  1. In first command line window, navigate to root of the project directory and execute: yarn start
  2. In a second command line window, navigate to root of the project directory and execute: yarn compile:start:server
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 or


  1. In first command line window, navigate to root of the project directory and execute: yarn start
  2. In a second command line window, navigate to root of the project directory and execute: yarn compilewin:start:server
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 or

Development Structure

API code can be found in /src/utils/.
UI and React components can be found in /src/components/.
Core UI functionality can be found in /server/src/main/java/com/nasa/.

Phase 2 - Release Notes


  • In-line code documentation to core pages and elements
  • User Manual to serve as a single, comprehensive reference
  • Installation instructions for Windows and Ubuntu
  • Registration and installation instructions for DOUG Software


  • Compilation for Windows while keeping Linux compile intact
  • Windows Batch file "run_nasa.bat" - launches all command and browser windows to execute application
  • Ubuntu Bash file ".run_nasa" - launches software from terminal window
  • Revised CreateNodes.java to dynamically point to resource files instead of requiring manual installation step

User Interface

  • Verification of all basic functionality
  • New add-ins to provide more defined and visible route illustrations
  • Updated route colors to increase visibility
  • Moved pathing results to a new "Results" Tab to create additional space on "Controls" Tab
  • Created ISS Model 92% of full size, which renders successfully
  • Verification of UI functionality to drag and drop new model / handrail files

Pathing Logic

  • Wingspan selection factors into each calculated path criteria
  • Wingspan choice prints in console window
  • Wingspan thresholds print in console window
  • Node graph test of shortest paths against software output to verify functionality
  • Total Distance (in inches) displays on Path Results tab and Console window

Tasks in Progress

  • Update model to include all of ISS with complete handrail list
  • Display distances between each handrail pair for each path
  • Allow users to click handrail in the 3D Model to select start and end points

Remaining Backlog

  1. Add UI and update Route 2 calculation to avoid hazards - hazard path should observe and avoid volume around hazard
  2. Add UI and update calculation accounting for 2 crew members, to deconflict routes
  3. Add UI and update calculation to allow additional waypoint(s)
  4. Add UI and update calculation to minimize suit rotations and plane changes (translating around corners and edges)
  5. Display tether routing
  6. Deconflict tethers from two crew
  7. Suggest fairleads to avoid hazards
  8. Integrate output into DOUG application
  9. Display route handrails in different color if they approach wingspan max distance
  10. Strafe/Pan of the 3D Model center to move the entire model directionally
  11. Incorporate geometric shape of modules into distance calculations
  12. Update Route 3 calculation to specified logic (TBD)

Milestone 3 Interface

Milestone 3 UI Screenshot