
lecture2: Camel case (camelCase) «Верблюжий регистр» — по аналогии с горбатым красавцем каждое следующее слово в цепочке начинается с заглавной буквы. Snake case (snake_case) «Змеиный регистр» — заменяет пробелы на символ подчеркивания. Kebab case (kebab-case) Его также называют spear-case, и он является стандартом в Lisp.

lecture3: Data types: string - we can store 0 and more characters. number - integers and float numbers between ±(253-1). bigint - for big integers. boolean - true/false. null - when we need an empty value. undefined - for unassigned or undefined values. symbol - unique and immutable primitive values. object - more complex data structure

lecture4: Operators: arithmetic operators assignment operators comparison operators logical operators

Type coercion: to string to number to boolean

lecture5: String wrapper Strings methods: case changing searching substrings strings splitting replacing clearing

Number wrapper Numbers methods: number constants number formatting

lecture6: objects are structures to gather related data to get property/method use .propertyName or [‘propertyName’] with descriptors we can describe properties behavior to copy objects use Object.assign() or spread operator (...) all objects inherit properties and methods from prototypes

lecture7: arrays store ordered data each element in the array has its own index arrays methods: add elements with unshift(), push() delete elements shift(), pop() unite arrays contact(), spread operator (...), slice() check arrays some(), every() sort arrays with sort() arrays have superpower: forEach(), map(), filter(), reduce()

lecture8: functions help to reuse and structure code function could get from 0 to ∞ arguments if we want to return something from function use return keyword arrow functions are shorter way to write functions we can get execution context using this

lecture9: conditions: if-else, switch, ternary operator (?) loops: while, do…while, for (for…of, for…in) keyword continue - skips the iteration keyword break - stops the loop

lecture10: JS was created to manipulate with HTML elements on the page With help of JS we can: get elements update them remove