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Example of setting up an Nginx webserver on Ubuntu 20.04


  • This is a WIP PoC. Not all roles work completely.
  • Secrets are stored in plaintext. I know that this should never be happening. I don't have experience handling secrets with Ansible. Based on my research Ansible Vault should be used for encrypting data at rest https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/vault.html#vault and the no_log option should be used to avoid disclosing secrets used in playbooks.
  • I don't have a lot of experience with Linux roles and I'm not entirely certain that ownership of certain directories is set correctly.
  • When it comes to scripts generating pages - maybe Bash isn't the most elegant way to do it, but I found it the fastest to gather the data required.


  1. Publicly available Ubuntu host that you can ssh into
  2. Updated ssh config. I recommend adding this line into your ~/.ssh/config file:
    Host ubuntu
        User ubuntu
        Port 22
        Hostname <IP of the host>
        IdentityFile <path to the private key matching the key on the host, e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa>

The hosts file depends on ubuntu hostname, so feel free to adjust it as needed.

  1. Prepare a vars.yml file in the root directory to store secrets for the scripts. This file is git ignored. It should follow this template:
    alice_doe_pwd: "<value>"
    jim_doe_pwd: "<value>"
    slack_webhook: "<value>"

Note: Slack webhook is optional. Remove pre- and post- tasks if you don't want to use it. To run the playbook in check mode, you'll need to comment out the pre- and post- tasks.

  1. Prepare SSH key files. They should be named john.doe and sue.doe and are expected to be stored in root directory. The are added to .gitignore.


Run the play:

    make run

To run the play in check mode, comment our the pre- and post- tasks (otherwise the play fails of whoami command) and run:

    make dry-run


There are a few outstanding tasks I didn't manage to get to:

Installing Docker

I haven't managed to complete that. When trying to add the Docker repository, I ran into this error:

    "E:Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/download_docker_com_linux_ubuntu_focal_stable.list (Suite), E:The list of sources could not be read."

I've been following the official Docker guide https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ when that happened. I should do more research and figure out what's going on.

Setting up a reverse proxy

I believe that in order to expose a content from a Docker container on a specific path, it will require setting up a reverse proxy with Nginx and Docker Compose. I found multiple guides on how to do it, including https://dzone.com/articles/how-to-nginx-reverse-proxy-with-docker-compose

Since I haven't been able to finish installing Docker completely, and haven't had a chance to play with Docker Compose in the past, I threw in a towel here for now.

Setting up HTTPS

I think there are two ways to do it:

  1. Locally generate a certificate, copy it to the host machine and modify the Nginx config to setup redirects. I found these materials on how to do it:
  1. I've read that it's possible to setup Certbot to automatically renew certificates on the host machine. I never had a need to do it, but I'd prefer that way as it minimizes the toil related to certificate rotation. E.g.: