
Weekly notes generator for https://almad.blog/tags/weekly-notes/

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Weekly Notes Generator

This package is used to generate weekly notes on Almad's Changelog.

  • Scrape Strava for activities summary while handling tokens responsibly
  • Scrape Pocket for recommended articles
  • Generate nice CommonMark skeleton for Hugo blogpost

If run between Monday and Friday, it acts as if it's last Sunday.

Runtime Requirements

  • Correct username for Pocket set in pocket.py
  • Register your own API application in Strava API page
    • Category is Data importer
    • Authorization Callback Domain is localhost
    • Website is your github fork, I guess
  • During the first run, when you do the OAuth2 authorization dance with Strava, hard-coded port 9999 must be free

Package Installation

I have intentionally not published the package to PyPI. Fork and adjust as you see fit; defaults are in code and not in config files etc.

For proper build check:

  • python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
  • python3 -m build
  • pipenv install dist/almad_weekly_notes-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl

Alternatively just

  • pip install .

You can then use generate-weeknotes command. If you want to generate weeknotes retrospectively, you can use WEEK=week_number environment variable.

If you have installed this inside a virtual environment and want to use it outside of it, the easiest way is to just add an alias into your ~/.zshrc

* alias generate-weekote=~/path/to/virtualenv/bin/generate-weeknote