
Flask app for article abstract and listing pages

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Running Browse with the Flask development server

You can run the browse app directly.

python --version
# 3.10.x
python -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install poetry
poetry install
python main.py

Then go to

This will monitor for any changes to the Python code and restart the server. Unfortunately static files and templates are not monitored, so you'll have to manually restart to see those changes take effect.

By default, the application will use the directory trees in tests/data/abs_files and tests/data/cache and when looking for the document metadata and PDF files. These paths can be overridden via environment variables (see browse/config.py).

Test suite

Run the main test suite with the following command:

pytest tests

Running Browse in Docker

You can also run the browse app in Docker. The following commands will build and run browse using defaults for the configuration parameters and will use the test data from tests/data. Install Docker if you haven't already, then run the following:


This command will build the docker image and run it. If all goes well, http://localhost:8000/ will render the home page.

Configuration Parameters

See browse/config.py for configuration parameters and defaults). Any of these can be overridden with environment variables.

Serving static files on S3

We use Flask-S3 to serve static files via S3.

After looking up the AWS keys and region and bucket:

cd arxiv-browse
git pull
 AWS_REGION=us-east-1 FLASKS3_BUCKET_NAME=arxiv-web-static1 \
 pipenv run python upload_static_assets.py

In AWS -> CloudFront, select the static.arxiv.org distribution, -> Invalidations -> Create invalidation, and enter a list of url file paths, eg: /static/browse/0.3.4/css/arXiv.css.

It may be help to use a web browser's inspect->network to find the active release version.

Tests and linting for PRs

There is a github action that runs on PRs that merge to develop. PRs for which these tests fail will be blocked. It is the equivalent of running:

# if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics

pytest tests